Sunday, July 31, 2005

What a bunch of clowns! It's the wicked, the wicked, the wicked wicked clowns! Boon shaved his head, so now he's Boonhda! It's a mix of Boon and Buddha. Llama (in black) looks like a midget. Jian Lian tried to show us he could suck his own dick. Gross! Amirul lost his eyes, and Valon showed us how he got his nice body, potato chips man! Gary, laughin' like a cock, as usual. Last but not least me, lookin like an ass. We're some of the fucked faced fuckers from 4E4'04
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 61
Hey Hey! Haven't been bloggin' since Monday, I think. This week was kinda great. Had a lot of fun. Watched The Island on Monday. Quite a nice show. A very original script.
" I'm Tom Lincon.". " No I'm Tom Lincon!"
What happened on Tuesday? Mandy skipped her Effective class, thanks to me. We did some crazy shit lah, I posted some photos. Wednesday, stayed back for like 10 minutes. Did our project. I haven't even thought of my speech for tomorrow! Fuck!
Everything's goin' smooth, projects, school, people, Fatin, Mandy. It's like the earthquake's over. Everything's back to normal, but still recoverin' from some aftershocks.
Ha Ha Ha Fatin ride motocycle, I ride motorboat, Lizah? Mutusamy! Ha Ha Ha Fatin thought of that. Accounts tutorial damn crap lah! Then played Spiderman. Runnin' along the corridor like and idiot! Kicked a lot of ass today! Played Doom like siao! Doom Doom Doom!
Surprised Mandy with a bouquet of flowers today! Ha Ha Ha, she smiled like siao! So happy! Hmm these past few days she's been treatin' me extra nice, but stil bully me a lot. Buy chocolate cake, garlice bread blah blah blah. So sweet lah she! Muacks!
Been sendin' her home lately. Quite nice lah, can sleep one the train, then on the bus again, then sleep on the train, again! Ha Ha Ha
Had Milo Dinosaur on Sunday, Yum Yum! Today, my mother cooked, after like months and months! Yum Yum, Bak sauce!
I'm Maxim and FHM deprived! Help! Help! Help!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 58
Havent been bloggin' in awhile. Haven't been busy, just didn't feel like bloggin'! Not much happened anyway, as if!
Thursday was a real fun day! Although we made a mess, literally, oops! I slept really well on, say friday morning! I was doin my econs project the enitre night. Idiot slengets callin' me askin' me to come to school. Mandy and me one month liao, so I wanted to get something for her. Went to causeway point, got her another stuff toy. FUCK! Florist close, shit! I knew I should have bought the flowers from the one near my house. So I had to rush to school 'coz the girls wanted Fatin's lanyard 'coz I kinda borrowed it on Thursday night.
Mandy's class was 'bout to end so I walked all the way up to surprise her. Sent her a message first to see if she had her phone with her. Then I placed the toy at the door and asked her to come to it. Ha Ha Ha Ha, heard her screamin'. Then saw her smile, Ha Ha Ha Ha I damn happy already! Then she came out, talked a bit before we headed for FJ. Left with Fatin, Vin, and Whateva. Dunno where we went, then they wanted to eat, but Mandy already ate, so I brought her go gai gai. I dunno why, but the girls like felt so uncomfortable around each other. So I told Fatin that'll I'll go shoppin' with her another day, 'coz it was our 1 month anni. Felt so bad pang seh-ing them. We were standin' outside a shop and there was this huge display of flowers. So i stood near it and cut off one pink rose. Then I gave it to Mandy, Happy 1 month baby! Laugh all the way to Peninsula, to look for MP3 players. We then went to Funan, wow! Damn shiok! I found my Clone Wars Xbox game! Saw this new Predator game. So many games I wanna get man! So we decided to ask her parents to get it for her, it they said no. Well, we'd have to save up and get it ourselves.
Had a lot of fun there. Had KFC for dinner. Headed home and continued my econs project. Slept real late, damn tired. Woke up in the mornin', no not for cartoons, had to bring my laptop for Mandy's group's meeting. Had communication problem in the morning. Yes, Mandy's fault. Ha Ha Ha Got there earlier than the rest. Did some work, ate a lot. Then I came back home. Was talkin' to Lorraine at the station, she's the dishwasher at her workplace, I think. Then I fell asleep. Then rushed through a shower, and changin'. Had to fetch Mandy from the station. We had a BBQ to go to. We first walked around CWP. Walk all over the place, saw Aunt Helen.
Headed down to the BBQ, only Stone Cold there. Started the fire, guess what? It started to rain. Fuck! Mandy and I ran for cover. The rest just cooked under an umbrella, fuckin' funny! Then I started to tell Mandy stories 'bout what we guys used to do in school. Laugh like siao until can fall on the floor. Then the rain stopped and we went to cook. Gary cook like a faggot. Chicken cook until can turn white, smart! Then I showed them how to cook chicken! Damn shiok! Wow, cook sausages, chicken, marshmallows, sotong!
Then we went for a walk, Mandy and me. Came back with a gift for Gary. Ha Ha Ha Then the rest started to come. Cooked for them, ate like fuckin' pigs! Then the girls, Jane and all started to pick on her, Ha ha ha kena intorrigated. Ask so many questions. Mandy was like havin' fun cookin' for everyone.
Then I caught Mandy and we slow dance. I sang unchained melody. Slow danced, had her in one arm, can of coke in the other. It felt so nice, like it was just the two of us. Sang off key like every 2 seconds. But still, it was romantic. Swayed to the off key tune I sang. If only it didn't end.
Cinederella story, 10:30 came. Had to send her home. She fell asleep on the train, so tired my baby! Talked some crap on bus. Then I caught the last train home. Fell asleep just as i finished my bathe! Snooze!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 55
The 2 Slengets have finally reconciled! The fellowship is now complete once again. Fatin ( Frodo) and me ( Gandalf) have come back together. Our quest is still the same, to travel to Mount Graduation and throw our Craps in the blazin' fire! However, we are always bein' pursued by our lecturers and tutors (Ringwraiths). Along with us we have Shila ( Sam ), Lizah ( Merry), Nurul ( Pippin). They're the Hobbits 'coz, actually I don't know, just follow the story yeah? Zainal is Legolas and Rusydi is Gimli. Zai is who he is 'coz he has really nice hair! Rusydi is just messy and cool, like Gimli. Thus, we are the fellowship of the Crap! Fatin's the leader 'coz she's the most Slenget amongst us all. Mr. Sash is Saron and Mr. Chan is Saruman. 'Coz they're evil people! Ha Ha Ha Ha Oops I forgot 'bout Aragon! Erm how 'bout Tat? Can?
Today damn slenget lah! Micro was borin' as usual. The break was quite excitin'. For once it wasn't me who was in dire need of the handicap toilet. Stats was fuckin' funny! Copy Frodo's work, tuns out I was copyin' the wrong answer. After I copy finish then she cancel the entire page! Damn! Tat first to hand up, EMPTY SCRIPT! Teacher open, look look, wrote a big ZERO! Damn funny lah! Even Rusydi look at me, signaling, question 2, ZERO! Same! ha ha ha
Before class we were standin' outside, Mrs. Nair was havin' a class next door. So I stuck my head in her class and started singin' Me and Mrs. Nair, a parody from Me and Mrs. Jones. Her whole class started laughin'. Rusydi was singin' Don't phunk with Mrs. Nair. Class laugh again! basket, she come out and hit me! Can see all the girls inside laughin' like siao! Then met them in the lift, all askin' me if I was the one singin'. Waa I got fan base ohredy! Wakakaka
POA lecture was a bore. Was playin' with Mandy behind. Did something very naughty, shall not blog it! I sent Shila and Lizah home then came back just in time to pick Mandy up from class. I promised the two girls I'd send them home lah. Then I also had a very important project meetin' with Mandy. Let's just say we left some stuff behind on the table! ha ha ha
Tomorrow's my 1 month anniversary with my baby. Haven't bought what I was supposed to get! Shit! Got a lot of songs today! From Kazaa! Cool! Damn tired now, thanks a lot baby!
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss youKiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 54
Didn't blog yeterday, really tired. Crunch time, projects, tests, exams.
Basically the class has 4 main groups, Elites, Slenget, Small eyes and the Housewives. Don't wanna go into detail, oh yeah, not forgettin' the minority groups too, there's the Outcastes and Misfit. Class segregation. Hmm, sounds familiar.
Baby, you were there when noone else was there for me. I really thank you for that. Got a lot of crap on my mind now. Damn vision stuck in my head. You know how you just think of something and it just gets stuck! Damn shit! You saw me when I was most vunerable. Dunno if you still love me the same. I just dread the thought of wakin' up and findin' you gone.
What am I to you?
Tell me darling true.
To me you are the sea,
fast as you can be
deepest shade of blue.
When you're feeling low,
to whom else do you go?
See I cry if you hurt,
I'd give you my last shirt,
because I love you so.
If my sky should fall,
would you even call?
I've opened up my heart,
I never want to part,
I'm giving you the ball.
When I look in your eyes,
I can feel the butterflies.
I love you when you're blue.
Tell me darlin' true.
What am I to you?
Got a personal post for today.
Fatin, rememer the time you had that blister just outside Far East? I think that was the beginnin' of our partnership in crap. I guess we grew apart since last week. I got mine, now you got yours. Looks like we both found answers in the love category. It would seem like it's for the best, but is it really? Why can't we have the past and the present together, we ask ourselves. That's the whole idea of a past and present, and sadly, future. I'll always treasure the memories, but something tells me we still got a lot ahead! Yeah! let's revive the partnership yeah? At first it was Lord of the Crap, the fellowship of the Slenget. Now it's part 2. Lord of the Crap, The two Slengets! Yeah! Let's do that!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 52
nobody loves me,
nobody cares
nobody loves me,
nobody owes me a thing
nobody loves me,
nobody cares
nobody loves me,
maybe I'll go eat worms
I've thought of a new name for myself. I was previously the rebel without a cause. Now I realised I'm just a rebel misfit. I don't belong anywhere. Where can I actually go? With the 'elite' group? Naa, too much misunderstandin's and unsaid anger. With the other group? I'm not part of it. Normadic herder, lookin' for a group to take me in. I'm sick of it. I've been alone, I can handle it. Don't worry guys, just hold on till the end of the projects, I'll be out of your way for good by then.
People tell you they'll be there for you, that's crap. Mood spoilt since mornin'. Didn't feel like talkin' the entire day. Avoid me? Go ahead, at the end of the day, you still need me to burn your CDs. You still need me to cheer you up. In the end you still come to me for answers. I don't understand. I don't really care.
When you think they'd be there, poof! They're gone! Runnin' faster than ever. My life has turned upside down. Had pizza for lunch and dinner. Was cold, tasted cold. Yuck!
I thought you'd wait for me, had so much to say to you. Had so much to ask you. But you had to go. I don't blame you. It's alright, I'm used to it. I understand parents, what a pain in the butt. Felt really lonely today. Been feelin' lonely for a long time. It's like when I gave up, everyone else gave up on me. I'm givin' in now, but it's too late. Too late for a second chance. Too late for any chances. Like a criminal led down to his execution.
Forgotten is what I am. I'm cool with that, doesn't hurt at all. Just the loneliness. Now that's the bitch I wanna shoot in the head.
Loneliness, she always has a friend, Fear. Fear brings his brother Pain. And they all feast on my inability to withstand them. I feel so cold. So cold inside and out.
The higher you go, the harder you fall. Once I had it all, now it's down to nothing.
The Rebel Misfit
He was once a noble man,
Who had achieved his amazin' plan.
But suddenly a storm came,
That screamed and scratched like the wolf's bane.
Agony and pain was left inside,
As the storm took all but his pride.
Eternal sadness showered unto him,
like water that gushed from within.
He cried out, "What wrong have I done?",
What the voice replied was that it had only begun.
The rebel misfit they now call him.
Caste into the shadows he where he can't be seen.
Fighting a war only he can see,
as lonely as ever, as he can be.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 51
I officially woke up at 2 today! Ha ha ha Was talkin' to Mandy last night. Straight after she put the phone down, guess who called? Nurul! Talk long story, but interestin' lah! Talk talk talk until shiok lah! Found out so many things that I didn't know was goin' on right infront of me! Container!
Turn up your radio,
blast your stereo!
I do not know why but I never like authority. Since I was young, I never liked prefects or teachers. In church I never like alter boys or priests. I didn't have anything against them personally but I just never like anyone in authority, I think I've said that ohredy. Sometimes people in authority piss me off! That's when it gets personal. Damn warden ruined my confirmation. From then on I never liked him. He was my friend's father somemore! Fuck! Damn wierd lah, everytime go church see his face, losy my mood.
Now they are recruitin' young wardens. Can ask me to join somemore! Of course I said no!
Fuck, ask me join wardens! Balls off! Then the alter boys, walk like they own the damn church, stare at them only they put their heads down act guai! Ka ni na bu! Everytime I want to fight with them Steph tell me don't. Dunno why I listened to her.
Yeay! T T Durai stepped down! Great, now we'll see how much the next leader earns, $25,000 again? With 12 months bonus? What he earns in 1 month, my dads takes 5. Gold tap somemore!
Havin' all kind of wierd dreams these past few days. Must be because of what my baby makes me do everytime we talk on the phone before I sleep.
Dreamt that my cousin was stayin' at my house with two of his friends and one of them was in a wheelchair. Then I got angry 'coz they were sleepin' in my room and I had to knock before I could enter my room! They used my computer the whole night, then suddenly I saw Therene lyin' on my sister's bed. The entire family was just watchin' them doin' something on the computer. So I carried Therene and put her on the coach. Then I went to speak to my dad. I remembered I said something like, "This is my house and I must knock the door before I enter my own room?".
I forgot what happened after that. Wierd! Tabitha called me this mornin'. She called from a private number. When she said hello, she sounded like Mandy so I said hi baby! Then she said hello, who's this. Mandy and I like to play this game also so I really thought it was Mandy. Then finally she said, this is Tabitha. Chey! Hey birthday is 2 weeks from now. She's havin' a BBQ at East Coast on the 30th. She asked me to invite as many people as I could, see first lah. Don't wanna crash her party.
Anyone interested? Free BBQ East Coast, 30th July, 5pm to 12 am? Come approache me for details yeah?
I published photos of my wanted list. Wow, I didn't realised I wanted so many things! 20 only, found 2 ohredy. Could have gotten one more last week, but spent all my cash ohredy! I think I'll complete my conquest when I'm 25! Damn!
I didn't realised the Oakley glasses looked so nice. The virgin mary tattoo won't be so colourful, just black outline, no shadin', on my chest. The shoes damn cool lah! Lan Jiao!
Hmm, it seems like you've moved on. That's good. Someone said stuff 'bout security, trust blah blah blah, guess that went out the window when I threw you out too! Money, the only thing I didn't have, that wasn't good enough for you right? I guess so too.
This followin' quotation is from the book Jane Eyre, now everyone knows I'm not a fan of readin' at all. But this is one of those books that can even capture my attention! I just love this part. The truth is, mr. Rochester does love Jane, only she doesn't know it. She thinks he's in love with another lady. Oh the headaches of literature! Enjoy!
I have told you, reader, that I had learnt to love Mr. Rochester: I could not unlove him now, merely because I found that he had ceased to notice me--because I might pass hours in his presence and he would never once turn his eyes in my direction--because I saw all his attentions appropriated by a great lady, who scorned to touch me with the hem of her robes as she passed; who if ever her dark and imperious eye fell on me by chance, would withdraw it instantly as from an object too mean to merit observation. I could not unlove him, because I felt sure he would soon marry this very lady--because I read daily in her a proud security in his intentions respecting her--because I witnessed hourly in him a style of courtship which, if careless and choosing rather to be sought than to seek, was yet in its very carelessness, captivating, and in its very pride, irresistible.
I felt he had not given her his love, and that her qualifications were ill adapted to win from him that treasure. This was the point--this was where the nerve was touched and teased--this was where the fever was sustained and fed: she could not charm him.
I am no bird and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will.
...I looked at my face in the glass, and felt it was no longer plain: there was hope in its aspect, and life in its colour: and my eyes seemed as if they had beheld the fount of fruition, and borrowed beams from the lustrous ripple.
1 month anniversary commin' up. Dunno what to do. Help! Ideas! Headache! I got ideas lah, but cannot post, later wait some people (hint! hint!) read then the surprise spoil lah!
2 BBQs comin' up. Dunno if my baby can follow me, dun wanna go alone! Fish! Hope she can make it.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 50
Somebody said I was funky cool!
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breath and height.
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight.
For ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love the purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith
I love thee with a love I seem to lose
With my lost Saints!... I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!... and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 49
Everytime I go Orchard with Mandy we always get hounded by model scouts. Is she that pretty? Ha Ha Ha Just jokin'! Of course she is! She's hot! Ha Ha Ha I'm crappin'
Today damn on off one. She call me in the mornin' tell me she sick, don't wanna go out anymore. So I changed out of my clothes. Then get another call sayin' go pei her in Toa Payoh, Then get an SMS sayin' can go out! On off on off! Container!
Had Japanese for lunch. Yum! Yum! Walked around Orchard like two dummies. Did nonsense at Orchard Tower. Cool place Orchard Tower. Stussy shop, nice shirts. Saw my Hard life skateboard! $125!! Argh No cash! Will someone just let me strike first prize for Toto? Just once?
Sent my baby home all the way to the lift. Wa Ha Ha Ha Sittin' in the bus. There was this lady with a comb still stuck in her hair! Damn funny lah. Laugh until the whole bus lookin' at us.
Then this 3 mats came up, lookin' at Mandy like dunno what. I know she's pretty, but sorry guys, she's mine! Wa Ha Ha Ha Ha
Funny lah, her house there got one Dinosaur park. It's actually just a slide with 2 dinosaurs and some eggs, but someone calls it a Dinosaur park. He He He The smaller one's called Humpy, 'coz he looks like he's humpin' the floor! Laughed my balls off!
I dunno why but since I got my new glasses, lots of girls have been like just lookin' at me for long periods of time. Wierd huh? I mean, do I really look that good? Or are they wonderin' whether I got smacked in the face with a baseball bat? Ha Ha Ha I got a face only a mother could love! Wa Ha Ha Ha
You know how some bad things happen just to let you know that something good is happenin'? Damn I've been like smilin' to myslef since yesterday. I didn't know I meant that much to you! It's great to know that you mean a lot to a person or that you were remembered. Like just now, Boon asked me what I was doin' gettin' a diploma in Marketin' when I wanted to be a chef. He actually remembered what I said. Even I forgot I wanted to be a chef. Sometimes you got so much on your mind that you even forget your own dream. It's like gettin' wishes on your birthday or gettin' nonsense messages 'bout bears huggin' you and angels flyin' around on your mobile screen. It's irritatin' but hey! Look one the bright side, you were remembered! It's nice to be remembered!
Today so many stupid things happened lah. One more, Casey's datin' Shan, the guy from Eye for a guy 2. Thoe one who was was angry that he was kicked off the show my Denise. Damn, somebody goin' for leftovers ah? Wahahaha Denise didn't want him, get the drift? Ha Ha Ha Ha
Now I can get back at her for callin' me chinah! I'm not chinah! Do I look the least bit chinah to you? NO! Wa Ha Ha Ha Casey, Casey, after me, you really screwed up. It's like I'm the only decent choice you ever made! Wa Ka Ka Ka I'm so mean! Too bad, feel like bein' mean today.
My middle finger still hurts. Must change my stick grip, cha chaat ohredy! Dunno if I still wanna got for anymore hockey sessions. Borin' lah, not keeper trainin'
Baby, how can you know I love you?
Well, in the day, if you look up and you see the sun. I'm lovin' you.
If you look up, and see clouds, it still means I'm lovin' you.
If you look up and see the moon, it means I'm lovin' you.
If you see stars, I'm lovin' you!
If you see nothin', something's wrong with your eyesight!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 49
Jealousy, can either be very good, or very bad. In this case it was really good. I mean it answers all my questions. My heart's at rest. So happy! Ha Ha Ha
Your my one and only, told you so long ago, forgot ohredy ah? Ai yo yo, Goondo Samy! Silly girl! You mean the world to me? I wouldn't do anything to lose you! I mean it!
Econs was borin'. Talk cock session with the rest. Had lunch, caused a sudden outburst. Did IRin' in the lab. So many nice photos! Post them later. Transfered some songs from Zai's MP3. I don't know why but everytime I get into an arguement with my baby, it always ends up really sweet! Makin' up is really nice!
Lost track of time, went for lecture a bit late. Left halfway, had dinner, then went up to tutorial room. Hmm, somebody like aircon place lah.. Ha Ha Ha Ha
If I don't have you,
to hold on to.
I can't go on in this world alone,
baby it's true,
if I don't have you.
If you said goodbye,
girl I would die.
I'm a star with no light,
day with no night,
if I don't have you!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 48
Accounts! Headache! I catch no tits! Was talkin' to Scanyang durin' POA tutorial, had another paper MSN thingy. She said she catch no ball for accounts. Then I said that the tutor is a lady, she got no balls for you to catch, only tits. So now we catch no tits for accounts! Ha Ha Ha Ha
Skipped Marketin' lecture and headed to the library with my baby. Just slept there. Till the "mood" came. Then it was off to the gym! "Workout" damn shiok loh, guess what happened? I forgot to lock the door, one girl opened it and saw us! Her face turn red! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Ha Ha Ha Ha, this time I locked and made sure. Guess who came to spoil next? Damn apek cleaner!
Had accounts extra class, damn helpful! Now I won't fail to badly! Had project after that, quite fast. Baby tried to fight with Moo Moo. Damn funny, scream until whole E plaza turn to look! Sent her back to Toa Payoh after that.
Went for some thing held at the field. Damn nice! Seriously! Rock climbin', Waterball, Floorball! Went too late lah, sat down little while, talked to Fatin, then went for hockey trainin'
Hockey was damn borin' so I headed for a break, Scanyang was still there! So we sat and talked, she was waitin' for Vin to finish packin' up. Talk so shiok until I forgot to go back after my break! Fuck lah! Sat on some woodedn shit, got it lodged up my arse! So much! So pain! Damn! Scanyang help me take out. Ouch! Ouch! Then we went walk walk, walk until siao, then we just decided to lie down, so yeah, if it's she and me, it'll be my head on her lap. Ha Ha Ha no funny thoughts! Talk a lot of nonsense, talk 'bout shootin' stars, planes, ants, miaowin', lion dancin', Vin, Mandy, body builders, tracks etc. Talk like siao ah! Then go find toilet, the lion dance takin' break so no music. Then i said, Tak tu tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk! Guess what? The lion dance started at the very minute I said that, "Tak tu tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk!" ha ha ha ha, laugh like mad dogs!
Sat on the damn wooden shit again! Kena poke, again! Ouch! Scanyang take out again! Vin came after that, I left with them, gave up hope on NYP hockey! Didn't wanna be a lampost so I headed to the Mac canteen while they disappeared into some thick bushes that they claimed was a short cut! Ahem!
Fillet O Fish meal, upsized, with an extra order of 6 piece chicken Mc'nuggets with a hot fudge sundae! Dinner was great! Yum! Yum!
3 week anni baby! Muacks! Muacks! Muacks!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 48
Today was a half half day. Half good , half bad. Started out bad. I seriously know shit 'bout Access. Of all people Tat was my partner, also one more gong gong. Both of us blur, don't know what to do, left the enitre section B blank! Fail again! F F for FUCK!
Then it was Marketin'. Borin'.
Have meetin' when I walk away, thanks guys! Then be sarcastic 'bout it. Point taken yeah? I'm sorry I'm never there. That's 'coz I never know when to be where! I'll try to be more around next time. I know I don't look human but I do have feelings. But seriously, fuck you!
Left school with Mandy's group, played pool, then had Mos burger. Followed some guy to buy food for his cat. Then went for a "workout" with Mandy.
Had Seoul Garden for dinner, eat so shiok man! The only nice part 'bout today. There was this little grl who came in with her family. Mandy was playin' with her! So cute! Play with her book, mandy put her book on her head, the little girl follow. I pull Mandy's ear, she pull her grandmother's ear! So cute! I started thinkin' 'bout family. What if I do screw up with a girl and I get her pregnant? I mean I won't marry her, but I would still be with her. Abortion is a no no! I will be a man and support her and the child! One happy family, just the three of us! I mean, don't you think 'bout this kinda stuff? Like how it would be like if you were a parent? Like puttin' yourself in situations which you don't likely see yourself ever bein' in? Nonsense, thinkin' too much ohredy!
Took a train, all the way to Marina bay, then took it back. Spent some much needed time with my baby. Boy I miss her!
Friends? I always loved the question, What are friends for? Does anyone know the answer? I do! I do! For nothing! Oh I'm so correct! Friends, either die or move away. Friends, either shit on you or forget 'bout you. No one will be there forever, no one's gonna be there when you really need them. It's like being an organ donor. Nobody wants to be an organ donor! They say they will, but they don't! Organ donors are people with no faith, what if they find a way to bring you back from the dead? Now you got no eyes! 'Coz you donated them! Organ donors are like Friends, they say they'll help you, but they ain't gonna give it to you, they are not! Don't expect anything in return. Fuck "friends", fuck them all.
I tired to talk to someone, I found it real hard. Maybe its me yeah? A rebel without a cause? A rebel with no allys? A rebel against the entire world? A rebel against everything you stand for?
Yes, I'm a fuckin' rebel. The irony is, I still need you people to survive in this world. How to do group project alone? The thing I hate the most is the thing I need the most. Fuck!
The feelin's I don't show.
I chase them away in a breath's blow.
Why does it hurt so bad?
Do you gain so much pleasure from seein' me mad?
Pleasure from pain,
Pray tell me what do you gain?
Kick me when I'm down
Turn my smile into a frown.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 46
Hmph! So tired, spent the entire day in school. I just wanna fall asleep. Waitin' for her to reply me on MSN, seems to be away. Guess I'll wait till I fall asleep.
Met mandy for breakfast, we reached school too late to have it so I was starvin' for like the entire lecture. had lunch after that, went to the food fair with Fatin. Bought a Ramly burger! Guess who I saw? Aisyah! Wow, she looked pretty as ever. Haven't seen her since her last day at Cheers before my term break.
Effective writin' was crap, stupid test. Talkin' to Shu Zhen 'bout crap. Had tea with Fatin. Then went lab for second session. Borin'!
Went to E plaza after that, bumped into the guys there. Tried to do some Access. There was this girl sittin' next to me. Fatin, was on my right, she hit my tummy real loud, and the girl in pink turned. I was lookin' at her 'coz I saw her turn, we were both lookin' at each other and then we both burst out laughin'! Ha Ha Ha Ha, Fatin's face turned red.
Today a lot of girls look at me. The Breadtalk girl at Toa Payoh smile at me until she banged a tray and almost sent some bread flyin! The pink tee-shirt girl in Mac canteen also always turnin' to look at me. Met Aisyah, made her turn red when I said Hi! Then the E plaza girl! Wahahahahahahaha
Collected my bubbles glasses today! Quite cool, gonna wear my Wu Tang jeans and a white shirt tomorrow. Today I went home with Vin, quite an interestin' guy. Damn cool! Wa ha ha ha ha Fatin! Good choice!
You know how big things alway ruin relationships? I guess it's always the small things that lead to big things. Like it's the small things that really matter but it's also the small things that don;t matter. Why look at the big picture when the small picture is ruined ohredy? Trust, respect, love. The 3 most important things in a relationship. If you don't have trust, your love starts to deplete. The respect just flies out the window after that. Trust. Exactly what is trust? How do you measure trust? Trust is something kept dear, just like your heart. Not everyone gets it. Then when you find the right person, he or she breaks it. Or throws it away. Damn that hurts! It feels like a grand piano just fell from the sky and hit you in the chest. Or like someone shot you in the chest and shoved a pole through the hole.
I'm talkin' crap now, really tired.
But I'm in love
Breathe in for luck,
breathe in so deep,
this air is blessed,
you share with me.
This night is wild,
so calm and dull,
these hearts they race,
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,
as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,
we're doing nothing at all.
My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
The words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.
My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the dim of the soft lights,
the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late
and this walk that we shared together.
The streets were wet
and the gate was locked so I jumped it,
and I let you in.
And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you meant it,
that you meant it,
that you meant it,
and I knew,
that you meant it,
that you meant it.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 45
I'm gonna get me a tattoo this week! If I got the time that is. Barcode, still tryin' to figure out where to put it. On my left arm? Below my belly button? My shoulder blade? I think I'll settle for my left arm. Thought of goin' to the shop at Hereen.
I woke up in time for Yu-Gi-Oh! today! Went for mass after that, then had lunch at some Peranakan restaurant. Damn waitress kept starin' at me, I handsome meh? I was later forced to go to the Empress Dowager's place to visit her. Damn I hate that place.
Left after awhile, went for a haircut. I look worse now. Thanks a lot! Damn barber with a the stone cold shirt! Came home, slept then went out for Dimsum dinner. Came home after that.
Baby was sick today so I couldn't take her out for ice cream. Had icer cream for dessert though, had Ben&Jerry, quite nice!
I miss my baby! So long never see her. Boo Hoo Hoo
Damn Exams coming soon. Need to really study!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 44
Today was quite a boring day. Didn't study at all. Just slacked the entire day at home. Didn't even wake up in time for Yu-Gi-Oh! I got a new pair of glasses this evening. Nice pair, blue plastic frame with bubles on the side. Also got my old one fixed. The lady replaced the legs with news ones and took out all the staple bullets and placed screws. Damn they feel so wierd on my face. I was watchin Robocop at like 1. Ha ha ha My old pair, I'll call it Robocop, 'coz it's made out of different parts. Quite shiny and new lookin'. They were initially called the 6 million dollar glasses. Boon called it that 'coz it really looked like a dog chewed on it after an elephant sat on it!
Damn! Boon and Buff are goin' for the Slipknot concert. I thought of goin' but then I said no. Not really into Slipknot anymore.
Got my allowance, 30 bucks, woopido! She took away like 16 though, for the phone bill. Overshot again, Damn! Lucky Whateva stopped messagin' me. Or else I'd be owein' like 20 more! Damn you Whateva!
Had some kind of SMS conversation with Mandy today, Ha Ha Ha Ha Nonsense lah. First part normal, then became dirty, then went back to normal, then became informative. Nonsense lah!
Baby, I'm still gonna do something to you on Monday!
Baby thinks she's gonna fall sick. NoOoOoOoO! Cannot, she has my landyard. How to tap for lecture on Monday if she doesn't come?
Posted two song lyrics in the morning. First one was Hey Leonardo(She likes me for me) by Blessed union of sould. The second one is Stir it up by Bob Marley. I chose the first song 'coz of something my baby said to me. I'm wow to her? I don't know what that means but hell! It sure sounds nice! But I'm glad, I'm glad I found a girl as good as Mandy. I'm a lucky bastard! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Stir it up? Yes, I'm a big Reggae fan. Bob Marley, introduced by my father.
I don't know how but she just satisfies me.
Like she's all I ever wanted.
Like she just walked out from my dreams.
Like and angel sent from above.
Whenever she kisses me I start to float.
Whenever she holds me so tight I get weak in the knees.
Whenever she whispers in my ears I get butterflies in my tummy.
It's like when you first start lovin' someone, it's so strong.
But I'm feelin' it everyday.
It feels good!
Stir it up baby!
Clone Wars Day- 44
Stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Come on and stir it up, little darling, stir it up
It's been a long, long time
Since I've got you on my mind
And now you are here,
I say it's so clear
See what we can do, honey, just me and you, come one and
Stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Come on and stir it up, little darling, stir it up
I'll push the wood,
then I'll blaze your fire
Then I'll satisfy your heart's desire
Said I'll stir it,
ev'ry minute
All you got to do,
baby is keep it in and
Stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Come on and stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Oh, will you quench me when I'm thirsty
Come and cool me down, baby, when I'm hot
Your recipe, darling, is so tasty
And you sure can stir your pot, so
Stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Come on and stir it up, little darling, stir it up
Clone Wars Day-44
She don't care about my car
She don't care about my money
And that's real good because
I don't got alot to spend
But if I did it wouldn't mean nothin'
She likes me for me
Not because I look like Tyson Beckford
With the charm of Robert Redford
Oozing out my ears
But what she sees
Are my faults and indecisions
My insecure conditions
And the tears upon the pillow that I shed
She don't care about my big screen
Or my collection of DVD's
Things like that just never mattered much to her
Plus she don't watch to much t.v.
And she don't care that I can fly her
To places she ain't never been
But if she really wants to go
I think deep down she knows that
All she has to say is when
She likes me for me
Not because I hang with Leonardo
Or that guy who played in "Fargo"
I think his name is Steve
She's the one for me
And I just can't live without her
My arms belong around her
And I'm so glad I found her once again
And I'm so glad I found her once again
And I'm so glad I found her once again
Gazing at the ceiling as we entertain our feelings in the dark
The things that we're afraid of are gonna show us what we're made of in the end
She likes me for me
Not because I sing like Pavarotti
Or because I am such a hottie
I like her for her
Not because she's phat like Cindy Crawford
She has got so much to offer
Why does she waste all her time with me
There must be something there that I don't see
She likes me for me
Not because I talk like Dirty Harry
Make her laugh just like Jim Carrey
Unlike the Cable Guy
But what she sees
Is that I can't live without her
My arms belong around her
And I'm so glad I found her once again
Found her once again
I'm so glad I found her once again
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Clone Wars Day-43
Today I went back to school to fetch Mandy, we were gonna shop for her MP3 player. We both pay for it but she keeps it, how sweet of her hor! Ha Ha Ha She was really tired after tution with vicky so she wanted to go some place quiet and with air con. So we headed to Changi airport. Boy it was cold! Toilet couldn't use. Apek inside. Ha Ha Ha We headed awhile after playin' afool. "Work out" at the station and all the way home!
Vin asked Fatin for her number, crazy like shit! Candle light lunch at Mac canteen? So romantic! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Kena distubr from Nurul and me like shit!
Friday, July 08, 2005
for trouble is near,
haste Thee to help me.
Blessed be the Lord my strength,
which teacheth my hands to war,
and my fingers to fight.
My goodness,
and my fortress,
my high tower,
and my deliverer,
my shield,
and he in whom I trust'
who subdueth my people under me.
O my God, I trust in thee,
let me not be ashamed,
let not mine enemies triumph over me.
Clone Wars Day-42
Today was quiet a funny but quiet day. Met my baby in the morning for breakfast. Bumped into Benji in the subway station. He was sayin' stuff 'bout blazers at topshop bein' too expensive. So I told him the ones at G2000 were not that bad. Then he was went on 'bout how they were not in fashion and that he'd rather spend the money on shoppin'. So I told him we had already agreed to wear blazers for our presentations, guess what he said? He told me we'd just don't wear them.
Great now I'm angry. Haven't been angry for awhile. Anyway, my baby was runnin' late so I sat down at Breadtalk and waited. We decided to have it in school instead.
Then it was off for class. Econs, not my favourite subject. Then lunch. Ate with Fatin, left with Mandy. Went to E plaza and watched Little Nicky, again! Helped Julia with her thumb drive.
Later on it was Stats. in the com lab. Was busy transferin' Fatin's pictures into my laptop. Gonna pass to her soon so she can put it on her blog. Then Whateva will go steal them and put on her blog! Container you! See, my wallpaper for my laptop is Drew in the devil suit. Fatin's wallpaper on her phone is her in a changin' room. While transferin some file, Zai passed by. He then said, that that picture was really cute. Fatin, then said that she took the photo while in the changin' room. Zai then said he was talkin' 'bout my laptop's wallpaper, not hers! Wahahaha So pai seh for her! Laugh like dog!
Then it was Accounts lecture. Mandy abandoned me and went to FJ. So it was me, Fatin, Whateva, Shitlah, Nurul and Zai. We talked cock the enitire way through. Helped Fatin transfer more photos. Whateva is now KKK, 'coz she Korek her Ketiak so K-chok! Ha Ha Ha Thats means she scratches her armpits really loud! Oh, and she can't tell jokes. Not funny! You need to go to funny school. Come back when you've graduated yeah?
I suddenly had this sweet tooth for another Ramly burger. So I was talkin' to Fatin, 'bout it. Since she likes Vin, Vin can masak the burgers, Fatin can squeez the sauces on the buns. I'll collect the cash from the customers. Shila can wash dishes. Nurul and Zai will both serve the customers 'coz they're the better lookin' ones. Then KKK was left out, so I was thinkin' of a position for her. So I said she could peel the towgay. After awhile, we all realised that burgers have no towgay, started laughin' like dogs again!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Today was quite a good day, just cooked some eggs, a slice of ham and toasted bread. Made myself a breakfast sandwich for supper! Yum! Yum! I think I wanna quit school and go into Shatec. Or maybe go overseas to learn how to be a chef. I always wanted to be one. I usually could never eat what I wanted to eat when I was young. I wanted to be chef so I could cook for myself, and let others try what I made for myself! I'm quite good I must say! I'd make a damn good cook!
Fatin, and I used to be very close, this was before I met Mandy. We were like sayang sayang. ha ha ha. Then after Mandy and me were an item, we decided to keep our sayang sayang nonsense strictly to msn and sms. Ha Ha Ha, then we realised we were havin some sort of a scandal! Ha Ha Ha, what do you get when you try to combine sayang and scandal? Scandyang! Ha ha ha ha ha Make me laugh like dog again! Wahaha, Shitlah's laugh's like when you try to start a car engine with a key. Fatin laughs like a screechin' car. Ooh, haven't laughed like this in a long time!
I think I'm gonna pms again tonight! Ha Ha Ha, that's what Therene used to call it. I think I'll either Xbox or listen to music till I fall asleep.
When I go quiet, you get angry.
When you go quiet, I get scared.