Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Clone Wars Day- 48
Today was a half half day. Half good , half bad. Started out bad. I seriously know shit 'bout Access. Of all people Tat was my partner, also one more gong gong. Both of us blur, don't know what to do, left the enitre section B blank! Fail again! F F for FUCK!
Then it was Marketin'. Borin'.
Have meetin' when I walk away, thanks guys! Then be sarcastic 'bout it. Point taken yeah? I'm sorry I'm never there. That's 'coz I never know when to be where! I'll try to be more around next time. I know I don't look human but I do have feelings. But seriously, fuck you!
Left school with Mandy's group, played pool, then had Mos burger. Followed some guy to buy food for his cat. Then went for a "workout" with Mandy.
Had Seoul Garden for dinner, eat so shiok man! The only nice part 'bout today. There was this little grl who came in with her family. Mandy was playin' with her! So cute! Play with her book, mandy put her book on her head, the little girl follow. I pull Mandy's ear, she pull her grandmother's ear! So cute! I started thinkin' 'bout family. What if I do screw up with a girl and I get her pregnant? I mean I won't marry her, but I would still be with her. Abortion is a no no! I will be a man and support her and the child! One happy family, just the three of us! I mean, don't you think 'bout this kinda stuff? Like how it would be like if you were a parent? Like puttin' yourself in situations which you don't likely see yourself ever bein' in? Nonsense, thinkin' too much ohredy!
Took a train, all the way to Marina bay, then took it back. Spent some much needed time with my baby. Boy I miss her!
Friends? I always loved the question, What are friends for? Does anyone know the answer? I do! I do! For nothing! Oh I'm so correct! Friends, either die or move away. Friends, either shit on you or forget 'bout you. No one will be there forever, no one's gonna be there when you really need them. It's like being an organ donor. Nobody wants to be an organ donor! They say they will, but they don't! Organ donors are people with no faith, what if they find a way to bring you back from the dead? Now you got no eyes! 'Coz you donated them! Organ donors are like Friends, they say they'll help you, but they ain't gonna give it to you, they are not! Don't expect anything in return. Fuck "friends", fuck them all.
I tired to talk to someone, I found it real hard. Maybe its me yeah? A rebel without a cause? A rebel with no allys? A rebel against the entire world? A rebel against everything you stand for?
Yes, I'm a fuckin' rebel. The irony is, I still need you people to survive in this world. How to do group project alone? The thing I hate the most is the thing I need the most. Fuck!
The feelin's I don't show.
I chase them away in a breath's blow.
Why does it hurt so bad?
Do you gain so much pleasure from seein' me mad?
Pleasure from pain,
Pray tell me what do you gain?
Kick me when I'm down
Turn my smile into a frown.


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