Friday, July 15, 2005

Clone Wars Day- 49
Jealousy, can either be very good, or very bad. In this case it was really good. I mean it answers all my questions. My heart's at rest. So happy! Ha Ha Ha
Your my one and only, told you so long ago, forgot ohredy ah? Ai yo yo, Goondo Samy! Silly girl! You mean the world to me? I wouldn't do anything to lose you! I mean it!
Econs was borin'. Talk cock session with the rest. Had lunch, caused a sudden outburst. Did IRin' in the lab. So many nice photos! Post them later. Transfered some songs from Zai's MP3. I don't know why but everytime I get into an arguement with my baby, it always ends up really sweet! Makin' up is really nice!
Lost track of time, went for lecture a bit late. Left halfway, had dinner, then went up to tutorial room. Hmm, somebody like aircon place lah.. Ha Ha Ha Ha
If I don't have you,
to hold on to.
I can't go on in this world alone,
baby it's true,
if I don't have you.
If you said goodbye,
girl I would die.
I'm a star with no light,
day with no night,
if I don't have you!


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