Sunday, August 28, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 92
Don't say your angry before thinking it through carefully. I meant what I said, why do you always have to question how I feel for you? Don't you trust me? If you do, then why is it everytime there's something new when there is actually nothing new?
You don't trust me.
Well in case you failed to notice
In case you failed to see
This is my heart bleeding before you
This is me down on my knees
These foolish games are tearing me apart
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
Clone Wars Day-92
Sometimes the weirdest combinations work in the most delicious ways. Of course, sometimes they're just gross. The two of you are the equivalent of Elvis's favorite fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich now -- two great tastes that may or may not go great together (though frying something usually helps). Moreover, one of you may be feeling more grounded (that would be our friend peanut butter), while the other one's a little, well, bananas. All you can really do is taste for yourselves.
That was Mandy and my joint horoscope on Friendster! Ha Ha Ha
Had a really nice talk with my baby last night! Ha Ha Ha So many places, so little time!
Sometimes the weirdest combinations work in the most delicious ways. Of course, sometimes they're just gross. The two of you are the equivalent of Elvis's favorite fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich now -- two great tastes that may or may not go great together (though frying something usually helps). Moreover, one of you may be feeling more grounded (that would be our friend peanut butter), while the other one's a little, well, bananas. All you can really do is taste for yourselves.
That was Mandy and my joint horoscope on Friendster! Ha Ha Ha
Had a really nice talk with my baby last night! Ha Ha Ha So many places, so little time!
Things to get: Ice Cream!
Places to go: NYP Forum
Junction 8
Cathay Causeway Point
Wisma Atria
Toa Payoh Library
The list goes on.....
Hmm Mandy and I decided to make a list of stuff we wanna buy or things we wanna do, so here it goes.
Places to go: NYP Forum
Junction 8
Cathay Causeway Point
Wisma Atria
Toa Payoh Library
The list goes on.....
Hmm Mandy and I decided to make a list of stuff we wanna buy or things we wanna do, so here it goes.
1) Get a cap, maybe a black or red baseball cap or a green trucker cap.
2) Go to the beach and just laze around.
3) Go for a picnic.
4) Watch The Longest Yard.
5) Eat a pizza.
6) Eat a Subway sandwich.
7) Watch The Punisher.
8)Get a remote controlled toy car.
9) Get Mandy over for a day or two for some Xboxin'.
10) Spend as mush time as I can with her.
I watched The Godfather on my com just now. Nice show, I won't recommend it to others 'cos there's a lot of dialouge in it, but that's what makes it one of the best films ever made.
Gonna rot at home till next week.
I decided to strike off the turntables from my wish list. It was supposed to be a real wish list, not a dream one. Let's face the facts, I'll never be a professional mixer. I don't have the time. I'm not that good either. Life ain't a movie where everything goes splendid and every problem can be solved. Music doesn't pop out of nowehere when you dance in the moonlight. Oh what would life be if it was a movie! Like the leading lady running up to you when you enter the room and just collapsing in your arms.
Oh the leading lady in your life. Will you ever find her, and if you did, will she stay? I've found mine. I'm on cloud nine right now. I'm livin' the love life I always dreamed of. The only thing is, it's better then how I thought it would be. Does she come with an expiration date? Do I have to return her like a borrowed DVD? I wanna keep her. I love her. I couldn't handle it when she left me for just 2 days. How am I goin' to handle forever if she does?
She's all I ever dreamt of, she's all I ever wanted.
I love her.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 88
Today was another day to remember.
The Accounts paper was a bitch! Couldn't do it. Tomorrow it's Stats, another bitch!
I'm so dead. My dad's gonna ship my ass off to the army.
Bye guys! I'll see you, well, I don't know when.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Clone Wars Day-87
Today was a good day! Damn! the only spoiler was the Marketing paper in the morning. Had so much fun today! My baby and I had lots of fun! Enjoyed ourselves a lot. Sweated a lot, actually we sweated ALOT! Ha Ha Ha
Anyways, went to the hospital again, Julie's in this time. She had the same problem as my sister.
Damn! Today was a good day! Ate a lot. Had mac for breakfast. Then it was Grinning Gecko for lunch. Mac again for tea and Grinning Gecko and Splash 'n' Decker for Dinner. I had Bak ku teh for supper later on. So fuckin' full.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Clone Wars Day-86
My exams begin tomorow. I caught Wushu Warriors just now! Wa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Mandy's mum wants to meet me! Oh what am I to do? Hmm, I wonder what will happen? I realy hope her mum likes me. Although the exams begin tomorrow. I just can't help but wait for the holidays to begin! Damn! How much fun it'll be. I can sleep all day without worrin' 'bout school the next day.
'Coz of what Mandy did to me, I've increased my Wild Card number to 15! We play this Wild Card thing, see if I save her life, she owes me one and I can ask her to do anything I want. Ha Ha Ha Ha Aren't I mean? I know I am.
I need my monthly dosage of Maxim and FHM! Now! Argh! I'm dyin' Someone get me my babes!
I'm currently addicted to this game called Dad 'n' Me. See, I play this purple dude with a white mask, walkin' around beatin' up kids. I keep dyin' everytime I get to the kid with the pistol! Damn!
I guess now it's time for me to give up
I think it's time
Got a picture of you beside me
Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup
Got a fist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now
Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Unaware but underlined
I figured out the story
It wasn't good
But in the corner of my mind
I celebrated glory
But that was not to be
In the twist of separation you excelled at being free
Can't you find a little room inside for me
Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
And we'll be together, this time is forever
We'll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 85
She came back to me this morning. I've never been happier. This past few days have been hell for me. I'm glad she came back. I hope she's here to stay. I love you.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 82
Today ain't a good day.
1) I woke up late.
2) I made Mandy wait for me at the station.
3) I had to rush through my bathe.
4) I didn't have breakfast.
5) I ran down, as I was boarding the bus I realised I left my wallet at home.
6) My mum shouted at me because I left my wallet at home.
7) I had to stand for the entire journey from Admiralty to YCK.
8) I came in class late.
9) I made Mandy angry when I bluffed her 'bout me gettin' a new phone.
10) Sharon made me mad when she implied I was playin' with Mandy's heart.
11) Then it started in my mind that Sharon might be feedin' Mandy with lies.
12) I couldn't concerntrate during class.
13) Then the thought that I came in class with Fatin got me thinkin' 'bout something that just broke my heart.
14) Mandy ran out of class without telling me.
15) She was actin' strange around me, as if she didn't want me there.
16) She didn't want to keep the ring.
17) It rained and I had to take a train to Woodlands instead.
18) I almost slipped while coming in the house.
19) I knocked my leg against the door.
20) I couldn't sleep well.
21) Dinner tasted funny.
22) I'm worryin' bout her more than I usually do.
Today is a day I really want to forget. I'm so afraid. My exams are next week. I haven't finished my revision. I'm seein' things I never knew existed. Everything seems to new to me. I was so scared last night that I just studied. I studied all night until I started to sweat. I couldn't sleep after that 'coz my eyes and my heart was hurting.
I don't want to lose her. Not now, not later. Damn you Sharon for messing with my mind! Why does it all come one after another? When I'm rid of one, a new one springs out. Problems are the only things exhaustible.
I'm beat. I'm down. I can't take anymore. She wouldn't even look at me today. No smiles, no laughter.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
Clone Wars Day-79
That's the way how I feel about u and me that you love me, that you will protect me and you will be there for me. Like I was there for you.
Thats what she said and I love her.
Clone Wars Day -79
I got a lightsaber! I got a lightsaber! I got a lightsaber!
Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne You don't have one, I do! Ha Ha Ha
My sister bought it for me, it's the one which can change from a blue to red blade. $69.90!
I'm happy. She took me to Video Ezy and we borrowed some DVDs. I had KFC for dinner. the variety value meal. Damn Shiok lah! Wuhuu!
Oh yeah, all this happened yesterday. Now, she's back in the hospital again. Dunno, something wrong with her appendix. If she spends the night there, I might spend tomorrow in the hospital.
I wateched Constantine and Braveheart last night. Slept at 3.33 a.m. As expected, I woke up late and missed wushoo warriors. Damn! Missed the two hot babes. Shit!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 76
Today was a real good day! Although I woke up late, I was still early! Ha Ha Ha Came to school and had breakfast. Fillet O Fish meal! Yum Yum!
Econs was ok, revision. Everything's coming back to me. I guess revision will be smooth. After that, I had my Effective presentaion. Real crap man, Tat and I screwed the whole class up!
Headed down to town for some fun. Had Chicken rice for lunch! Second Yum Yum for the day. Then my baby and me chilled at Coffee Bean for awhile before we went along to do our usual nonsense.
Off to Taka it was. Guess what? there were having a crazy toy sale! Things were going as low as $1! I bought like 3 toys and 4 stuff toys for Mandy! It was fucking crazy! I spent like 45 mins just walkin' up and down. I wanna go back! I wanna get the TNA pentagon ring. Get the Lita and Bubba Ray set, and 2 more. It's $10 bucks for 3 wrestler packs and another 10 for the ring.
This is fucking crazy!
Today was a good day!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 75
I don't know why but I kinda spoilt my own mood this evening. I was supposed to catch Charlie today but I gave it a pass, well 'coz I spoilt my own mood. I don't know why, I'm not gonna blame anyone. I'm to blame. I let it get to my head. Why? Why do I put myself through all this crap?
Felt really down, called her. I wanted to meet her but she didn't wanna see me. I felt even worse. Came home and then we talked. We talked for awhile before I noticsed something was wrong. But I couldn't get it out in the open.
What's wrong girl?
You don't treat me like you used to.
Everything 'bout you,
Is brand new.
You've changed,
Your smile is strange.
You've lost your pretty smile and you won't tell me why?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Clone Wars Day-74
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you yes I do
I'll be with you as long as you want me too
Until the end of time
From the day I met you
I know we've be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and I wanna have your kids
Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses
I can say I'm truly happy to the same
You've made me think I'll die and live my life hesitate
There's never been no doubt in my mind
That I'll regret ever having you by my side
But if the day come that I'll have to let you go
I think that something I should probadly let you know
With everything that i spent with you
Then I will miss you cuz I'm happy that I have you at all
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
I feel for you yes I do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
Until the end of time
Monday, August 08, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 72
I didn't get a goodnight's sleep last night. Had some crap on my mind. It's really been a rollercoaster( I never thought I'd ever use that phrase). One day it's up, the next it's down. Then it's up again. My mind's a mess.
Been listening to Underneath it all by No Doubt and Con Te Partiro by Anrea Boccelli. I'm mad. Reggae and Opera, what a couple man!
I posted some pics of my room. I just couldn't sleep. So I ransacked the house for something to do. I found my dad's camera and started snappin' away. Had to get my mind of things.
I'm angry but I'm not supposed to be. I'm sad, and I'm also not supposed to be. I am what I am not supposed to be. Sounds wierd? I know it does. Feel like quiting school and joining Shatec. Then goin' to Switzerland to further my passion for cooking. Why? Why am I in Marketing? I don't have the slighest fucking clue. It's either I become a chef, and creative director or a sniper.
And hell will freeze over before the army even allows me to handle a sniper rifle. So, I'm down to being a chef and a creative director. I got so many fucking ideas which are so good. Seriously? Who would listen to a 18 year old kid with some stupid idea he thought of while takin' a dump on the toilet seat.?
I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, could've sworn I was dreamin', for her I was feenin, so I had to take a little ride, back tracking over these few years, tryin' to figure out wat I do to make it go bad.
Oh these few words just tell it like it is. Couldn't get any right.
I posted some pics below. Hope you get to see the conditions I live in. Ha Ha Ha
Not funny.

Sunday, August 07, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 71
There's times where I want something more
Someone more like me
There's times when this dress rehearsal
Seems incomplete
But, you see the colors in me
Like no one else
And behind your dark glasses you're
You're something else
You're really lovely
Underneath it allYou want to love me
Underneath it all
I'm really lucky
Underneath it all
You're really lovely
You know some real bad tricks
And you need some discipline
But, lately you've been trying real hard
And giving me your best
And, you give me the most gorgeous sleep
That I've ever had
And when it's really bad
I guess it's not that bad You're really lovely
Underneath it allYou want to love me
Underneath it all
I'm really lucky
Underneath it all
You're really lovely
So many moons that we have seen
Stumbling back next to me
I've seen right through and underneath
And you make me better
I've seen right through and underneath
And you make me better
Better, better
For real, cuz underneath it all
You are my real Prince Charming
Like the heat from the fire You were always burning
Anytime you're around My body keeps staling For your touch, your kisses
And your sweet romancin'
Theres anotha side a you
Weh dis here woman a adore
Aside from your temper
Everything else secure
You're good for me baby
Oh that, I'm sure
Cuz over and over again
I want more
You've used up all your coupons
And all you've got left is me
And somehow I'm full of forgiveness
I guess it's meant to be
You're really lovely
Underneath it all
You want to love me
Underneath it all
I'm really lucky
Underneath it all
You're really lovely
You're really lovely
Underneath it all
You want to love me
Underneath it all
I'm really lovely
Underneath it all
And you're really lovely
I finally found this song, it's underneath it all by No Doubt. Had effective meetin' yesterday. Only Shu Zhen and me. Tat was sleepin' Lunch was great! Curry rice. Yum Yum. Yesterday wasn't quite a good day. Stepped in two piles of crap, not literally yeah.
But it was fairly ok. Had some good times too! He He He
Watched Batman and Spiderman just now. I always liked The joker and The scarecrow. They always scared the shit out of me!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
Clone Wars day- 69
Why, why of all people did you have to call him? And why did I have to chance upon it? Why did I have to find out? I think I would have been better off not knowing. All I just want to know is, why him? Wait, I don't wanna know. My mind's playin' tricks on me, mean ones. My headache has a headache! To top it all off, it started from nonsense. Plain nonsense! Nothing happened, and nothing will happen.
I don't know what to do. It seems I'm stuck to fate. Me, girls and sliver. Don't mix! Exactly one week after, Boom! Everything's gone. I don't want it to happen again. Not again, not now. Seriously, not now. Not when my exams are so near. Not when my life's hangin by a thread.
My heart aches, my head hurts, my body's tired and my eyes are boilin'.
Watched Wedding crashers today. Very funny show. Didn't enjoy it. My head was too messed up. Class was crap today. Did the Ultraman Melayu for Chang. It's his birthday tomorrow. So Lonald, Benji and I performed for him. The class laughed like shit. The teacher had to spoil it all.
Yesterday, I had the time of my life. Went out with Scanyang. Damn fun lah! Like an outin' to the zoo. Crapped all the way. Had Pizza Hut. Damn funny lah the waiter. Blur! Ha Ha Ha
The train ride to Woodlands was worse! Crapped so loud the people started to stare! At Metro, Ai yo yo! Take picture like siao! I bought this cool toy. Sadly, the fun had to end. Boo Hoo Hoo
I Dunno what's gonna happen now. What comes next? Heartache or answers? I prefer answers.
I've done all the explainin' I can. I don't need explanations. I need assurance.
Scratch that, right now I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want.
Why, why of all people did you have to call him? And why did I have to chance upon it? Why did I have to find out? I think I would have been better off not knowing. All I just want to know is, why him? Wait, I don't wanna know. My mind's playin' tricks on me, mean ones. My headache has a headache! To top it all off, it started from nonsense. Plain nonsense! Nothing happened, and nothing will happen.
I don't know what to do. It seems I'm stuck to fate. Me, girls and sliver. Don't mix! Exactly one week after, Boom! Everything's gone. I don't want it to happen again. Not again, not now. Seriously, not now. Not when my exams are so near. Not when my life's hangin by a thread.
My heart aches, my head hurts, my body's tired and my eyes are boilin'.
Watched Wedding crashers today. Very funny show. Didn't enjoy it. My head was too messed up. Class was crap today. Did the Ultraman Melayu for Chang. It's his birthday tomorrow. So Lonald, Benji and I performed for him. The class laughed like shit. The teacher had to spoil it all.
Yesterday, I had the time of my life. Went out with Scanyang. Damn fun lah! Like an outin' to the zoo. Crapped all the way. Had Pizza Hut. Damn funny lah the waiter. Blur! Ha Ha Ha
The train ride to Woodlands was worse! Crapped so loud the people started to stare! At Metro, Ai yo yo! Take picture like siao! I bought this cool toy. Sadly, the fun had to end. Boo Hoo Hoo
I Dunno what's gonna happen now. What comes next? Heartache or answers? I prefer answers.
I've done all the explainin' I can. I don't need explanations. I need assurance.
Scratch that, right now I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 67
Monday, effective was shit! Rusydi, Africans eat bananas and corn! Fuckin' funny lah. Mrs. Nair also didn't know what to do! Ha Ha Ha Ha
The guys came over last night to finish up our Marketing project. My dad bought Double Cheese Burgers for everyone. Did work till like 10 then Abel and Ronald had to leave. So my Dad sen them home. Chang and Benji stayed on. Benji went home to shower before returning back.
Had Red bull from 7-11. Returned home to continue with our ridiculously impossible task. 1 became 2, 2 became 3:30, 3:30 became 6. Damn! Had to do the Ultraman dance just to keep awake. Couldn't finish in time. Had to rush to school to complete it. Showered, packed up and left. Cock up in school. Presentation didn't do properly.
Disturbed so many people. Ha Ha Ha finished my project in half a day, literally! Ha ha ha
Presentation ok, fell asleep for lile 5 minutes. Fell asleep on Fatin's shoulder earlier in class. Fell asleep in Lecture too. Fell asleep in the train too. Missed my stop! Damn
Guess who I saw on the bus? Sarah! Wa Ha Ha Ha Used to hve a huge crush on her in secondary school. Her ass was just damn nice. I can't explain it in words though. Damn cute lah she!
Talked to Jean on Msn. Ha Ha Ha Bought for her Strepsil for her bad throat. Now she actin' wierd ohredy. Medicine takin' effect.
Oh baby, you're crazy! I love you! Thanks for being so nice to me and everthing. I really love it when you treat me nicem which you always do. Makes me feel special! Ha Ha Ha
I haven't slept since 7 a.m on the 1st of August. It's been 1 day, 17 hrs and 36 minutes. I'm starved of my bed. I need sleep! Now!
Ultraman Melayu Dance!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Clone Wars Day- 65
Ha Ha Ha Oh my baby! Crazy girl. She had a nightmare! Ha Ha Ha She say scarey, I say nonsense. Don't worry, yeah, whatever you dreamt, won't take place.
Clone Wars Day- 65
Damn, it's been awhile since I blogged. Yeah, posted some pics yesterday. It's been a funny week actually. Especially with Fatin around. Thursday was backward day. Ha Ha Ha Formal wear. Kinda nice, gotta do it again on Tuesday. Accounts lecture was borin' But I had fun after that! Wahahaha
Came back to school on Friday. Finished keyin' in all the numbers for SPSS. Damn it was tirin' Had lunch with Mandy, did a lot of stupid things in the library. She had to go home after awhile. I went back and slept till like 8 plus. Had briyani for dinner.
Saturday was the most wasted day of all wasted days. Bloody useless! Spent the entire morning doin nothing. Yes, nothing! The BBQ was borin' like shit. Spent like 45 minustes walkin' to the pit. F U C K I N G far. yes It was 62. We started walkin' from 22. Can u imagine? We passed like 6 monsoon drains, 10 toilets, 7 carparks and 8 seafood restaurants! So when I reached there. I ate like nobody's business! Ate like a whole container of chicken and the damn mee hoon. Taste like shoelace and rubber. WTF???
Bought a ring for Mandy but her finger was too small. No the ring wasn't big, it was her finger. It was too small. I repeat, her finger was small.
Today I woke up and has Mac for breakfast. KFC was for lunch. Hmm I wonder what is for dinner? Ha Ha Ha
Chiong'ing for Effective project now. Apple Pie sleepin', Shu Zhen dunno doin' what at where. She called me yesterday evenin' to tell me something but her background was so fuckin' noisy I couldn't hear.
I'll blog soon yeah!
Spiderman Spiderman, I am, Spiderman!