Nice comic I got off Life!, it's 'bout Frodo goin' to the doctor's. If you can't read it says, "It's me Frodo, I accidentally swallowed the ring!" The doc replies, " See you in 24 hours."

I tried to start of as a lilypad in the bottom left corner but it turned out crappy so I did other stuff. I realised that most of my drawings have at least one tower, a star and one girl cryin'. Done durin' Mustard Seed camp last year.

I did this durin' my 'O' levels, durin' D&T. Started out with the girl and expanded from there.

I tried to do a Kabuki but it failed miserably. I tried shadin' with this one but doesn't look good with blue ink. This was done on my Macro Book.
I had a table in Sec 3. When I repeated sec 3 again, I stole my old table and brought it to my new class. In our second year I vandalised it with one big tribal sign, a bio hazard sign, the lyrics of I don't want you back by Eamon. My slogan at that time "I'm the king of the castle." I also had an entire skeleton of a fish scratched on it. I also did my initials on it.
I miss that table very much. It had so much sentimental value to me. I did the tribal sign because I'm into tattooing, and at that time, tribals were quite popular. The bio hazard sign represented who I am as a eurasian. Everytime people ask me if I'm malay, I say no, then comes the legendary phrase, " You not malay, you cannot be indian or chinese what are you?" I'm aboriginse you bastard. Okay for stupid readers, I'm eurasian. That means either my mummy or daddy is European, that means they're from Europe. England, Germany and Sweden are some European countries. Mixing a European and an Asian gives you eurasian. Some famous Euraisans are Denise Keller, Benjamin Sheares etc.
*Disclaimer* If you mom is Eurasian and your dad is chinese, you're chinese. You take your father's race. Please we have enough shameful Eurasians, we don't need you guys. You cannot be a Tan or a Lim and be Eurasian. Maybe Tanger or Limpinsons can.
Anyway back to the topic, I scratched the lyrics of I don't want you back because that was the song that was stuck in my head for my entire sec 4 life. I was the king of the castle because I took care of the class and I overthrew the monitor as he was too girly to do his job. Yes you Neo YuXiang, don't worry I still love you. I miss my sec 4 class. I miss S.H.I.T., I miss Garry Six Toes, I miss the Housewife gang. Who I miss most is Zhi Xiang, may his soul rest in peace. Like what Alvin said at his wake he was lucky as he didn't die a virgin. I'm happy for him. Relax, I didn't burn anything for him this 7th month. He's in heaven, and in heaven there's no smokin'.
The fish bone symbolised how, wait I'm just kidding. I just had this really cool tag of a fish skeleton in my pencil case so I just scratched it on the table.
Life's a bitch deal with it. Double standard-ness sometimes can't be seen but it's really obvious. Everywhere you go.
Michelle looks like the girl from the Jean Yip ad, the one where this girls dances with this damn Ah Beng lookin' guy. Michelle is this girl from my Accounting lecture.
Went to the acrade yesterday and I realised something, I'm quite good with a rifle. I tried some sniper training tatics last night and it wasn't that bad. I could hold my rifle up in shooting position for a whole 10 minutes! I'm gonna try one hour this weekend.
I think I might be a sniper in the army, I think I better aim for marksman first. Before that I need to be able to pass BMT and before that I ned to be able to do 100 pushups in a row.
Okay I got a long way to go. Shut up.
We are a group of 6, instead of 5.
Japan surrendered before, before we had 5.
It all happened in 1945.
Because we got 5, because we got 5.
Then came Lee Kuan Yew, to save our lives.
Then we turned to Malaysia, to say goodbye.
It all happened in 1965.
Because we got 5, because we got 5.
Economic, civil, social, are 3 of the 5.
Psychological and millitary are the rest of the five.
If we throw any of them, we will die.
Because we need 5, because we need 5.
It popped into my head when I was shittin'. A lot of nice things pop into me and the bad ones pop out!