It's mine. Yes it is. Ha Ha Ha I still have no idea why I used this cover. Hormones you know..
My wonderful drawings and designs
Detailed Development indeed.
Design specifics
Exploded view.
You might think I'm a design freak but seriously I dislike D&T very much. I spent like 14 weeks on some stupid folio that I bet the markers just flipped through it like a porn mag. My artefact didn't turn up that good but it still fit the theme for entertainment.
I have no idea how Lifeng got my folio but I'm glad she did, 'coz now I have it back! Ha Ha Ha I wonder what would have happened if some other kid got it. hmmmmmm
Caught a few movies with Mandy. Which were shit, the movies not Mandy. Pretty persuation and The break up are crap. Movies made for this fall ain't that great. Only maybe the animated films like Ant Bully or the upcoming haunted house thingy.
I got two new structure decks, Invinsible fotress and Warrior's triumph. Quite good addtions have been made to my deck. For those of you who have watched it, can you imagine if they really sell those hand devices? I think Orchard Road will be closed every weekend for roadside duels! It'll be damn cool lah! Pulling that device which looks like a gigantic watch, putting cards down and seeing monsters pop up! That'll make me crap my pants!
For those unfortunate few.... or many who don't know what I'm talkin' about. Please tune in to Kid's Central on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. to watch it. You'll be blown away. It's like season three already so you've kinda missed a lot. Fret not, there's always wikipedia.org to explain to you the wonders of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Thanks to the holidays, my playable songlist is
*Drum Roll*
*More Drum Roll*
1) You're beautiful (James Blunt)
2) You were meant for me (Jewel)
3)Wonderful tonight (Eric Clapton)
4)Iron man (Black Sabbath)
5)What's my age again (Blink 182)
6)Pretty woman (Roy Orbison)
7)Seven nation army (The White Stripes)
8) I walk alone (Saliva)
9)Bverly hills (Weezer)
Yes I learnt 9 songs in like 2 months or less. I don't know if it's good but I feel good! From the electric to bass and now drumming. Most thanks goes out to Jerald and Jude, the accounting rebels...
Had a late night chat with Jacob last night. psst... he wanks off to Gurmit Singh.. don't tell him I told you.
Naa just kiddin'
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