Friday, August 25, 2006

Tagging by people whom I don't know is alright, I don't mind if its bad or good tags, but please leave your name. Even if you're Goh Soh Tong, I won't laugh at your name.

People who do things 'anonymous'-ly are usually in love with their target so they don't leave their names to avoid embarasment. So please, if you don't leave your name, I'll take it as you have no self confidence. Now please don't get mad and start floodin' my board with you sad life story of how I 'sux' (it's suck by the way) or if I think I'm great or some other phrase you got from a primary school kid to diss his friend.

If you do, I'll tell my friends not to friend you! (yes, I can stoop to your childish levels too!)


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