Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
To Shannon
I have a cousin, Shannon Luke Ong Wei Chuan. He is growin' too fast for his boots. He thinks that viewing other people's friendster and blog is cool when he is only 12. He thinks that by copyin' me and havin' a mohawk will make him look more rugged! He think's he's in 'love' with Michelle Choo who is his own bloody cousin! He thinks that using words like Ham Ji is cool for a 12 year old kid.
A kind suggestion to Shannon, stay away from my blog.
A kind suggestion to Shannon, stay away from my blog.
When the rebel came to town

Had to wake up at 7:30 yesterday to send a United Nations relief package to Leah. Damn funny la, really had nothing to do for like 4 to 5 whole hours.
I think I start work on Wednesday, so I'm comin' down to school on Monday to bid farewell and 'farewell' to those who deserve it.
Santa's good list (In no particular order):
Kenneth/Singh/Travis Barker
Ricky Lah/Adrian Pang
Guang zhe/Ryan
Veenotth/ He He He man
Veenotth/ He He He man
Shi Long
Ryan 'butt-o-shock'
Ryan 'peter north'
Ryan 'butt-o-shock'
Ryan 'peter north'
Sam 'stupid girl'
Santa's Naughty list (Also in no particular order):
Mr. 'I like to play both Sam and Cheryl'
Mr. 'Malay freshie with the stupid batik shirt'
Mr. 'I swear I never touch her breast'
Mr. 'Malay freshie with the stupid batik shirt'
Mr. 'I swear I never touch her breast'
Mr. 'drivin' down an endless road while my friend takes a picture while my door is open'
Santa's appeal list (not yet approved):
Mandy Seet Wenxi
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Apology accepted
TEE JUN™ says:
hey lee, wadsup with you nowadays?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want to act gangster ah?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
tell me to watch out
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i wait for you after wokr you want?
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then dont come and talk big when you scared
TEE JUN™ says:
scared? you gotta be kidding
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then u got balls to talk... but no balls to do it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ask me watch out? watch out for you is it?
TEE JUN™ says:
i aint gonna do anything man .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i am...
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then u ask me watch out for what you pussy? talk big only
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u tai chi come and tai chi with me la... talk long story for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
you are finding tai chi from me in the first place? i didnt even provoke you .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you nvr provoke me?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i tai chi with you last night sua already
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you come tag on y blog ask me watch out for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
sua? you still put up an nice entry expecting people to read?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
first you zi hong now u gangster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i ask you la.. u ask me watch out for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt mean to be a ganster or wadsoever rubbish pls .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
boy, i tell you now, the next time i see you, you die.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
since you scared you dont wanna let me come find you ill wai toutside school when you return back to nyp
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then you will see what is gangster you bloody poser
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur stupidity is ur major flaw
TEE JUN™ says:
stop all ur insult pls, and are you threatening me or smth now?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes i am
TEE JUN™ says:
okay noted .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
go zi hong to ur girls la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
either that or you gonna go report police.... you wait la till i see you
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
you are making me laugh lee
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you tai chi with me with both involve yo go get other people invold you will regret
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you make the whole world laugh u idiot
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt say i wan get other people involve
TEE JUN™ says:
why are you getting all so work up right now
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
chill ur fuckin head la
TEE JUN™ says:
apparently, you get the whole idea wrong since the start of beginning
TEE JUN™ says:
wads wrong with you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur attitude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
try gangster with me then now scared
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u want to act, act all the way la why stop now?
TEE JUN™ says:
you fucking insult me ytd, i didnt care much
TEE JUN™ says:
but the thing i saw in ur blog really irritate me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
oh so since you are irritated, now you know how we feel when we see you
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so u irritated, thats ur excuse for being gangster la?
TEE JUN™ says:
when did i ever irritate you all guys first?
TEE JUN™ says:
being ganster is just ur assumption dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so im supposed to forgive you and forget about it la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u ask me watch out.. u still havent answered my question, watch out for what?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
watch out for ur fake six packs?
TEE JUN™ says:
watch ur back? maybe you haf offend other people as well?
TEE JUN™ says:
not just irritate me.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont come and lie now okay
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if i offend other people that is my problem with them
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
nothing to do with you
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt chap with them or
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
now im tellin u u pissed me off twice in two days
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and tryin to pretend to be gangster
TEE JUN™ says:
oh fuck, you just don't get it
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
no you dont get it, stop pretendin to be elvis presley, your not good lookin... stop zi honging
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and dont ever, ever try to play gangster with me
TEE JUN™ says:
elvis? hahaha
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt say i am gd looking in the first place
TEE JUN™ says:
does looks play a part here
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i give you 2 choice, either to tag on my blog and apologise, or ill give you a good greetin when i see you
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
it doesnt coz you dont have any
TEE JUN™ says:
aplogise for threatening you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
apologise for actin gangster
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i aint a ganster .
TEE JUN™ says:
never will .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then dont act like one
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and im still waitin for your choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
TEE JUN™ says:
wad you mean by a good greeting dude?
TEE JUN™ says:
can you explain?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u wait then you see la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
pls dont act stupid with me alright?
TEE JUN™ says:
so you are threatening me?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i already tahan ur zi hong and ur gangster attitude, i dont need to deal with stupidity
TEE JUN™ says:
which give me no choice?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im not threatenin you, im tellin you
TEE JUN™ says:
you are not
TEE JUN™ says:
you wan me copy and paste for you to see?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u have a choice, apologise or greet me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
damn simple.. y u dun wanna ur girls to see u apologise right? then you also don want me to greet you right?
TEE JUN™ says:
this is nothing to do with gals dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
its hard as a zi hong i noe....
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
but u got to make ur choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
hey, you got to work, i have a life, lets make it quick alright?
TEE JUN™ says:
you have a life?
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
this isnt the right time to act with me okay...
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im still waitin.. or you just tryin to piss me off further
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop wasting my time
TEE JUN™ says:
okay i apologise
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
okay my blog is waiting
TEE JUN™ says:
will you just tone down this fucking matter?
TEE JUN™ says:
it really irritate me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i will once you apologise and leave this matter alone and i will
TEE JUN™ says:
obviously, wad make ur words so true this time?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i dont lie to you
TEE JUN™ says:
I don't haf time to view ur blog, cause i am busy with work right now!
TEE JUN™ says:
I apologizing here .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
but u got time to go and tag just now?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u tag on my blog, you apologise on my blog
TEE JUN™ says:
i was when i am at home
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
here u go.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
the tag board is on the right
TEE JUN™ says:
is jus a blog, not forum
TEE JUN™ says:
wads the diff?
TEE JUN™ says:
you are getting me more pisssssssssss
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
let the world see y u so scared... can threaten me and let ppl see but scared to apologise where u threaten me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you can type long story here, go there type one line also cannot ah?
TEE JUN™ says:
i am not scared of you, is just that you are irritating my arse and i wan this whole fucking matter to rest
TEE JUN™ says:
get it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then apologise and its over, i wont even post thie convo
TEE JUN™ says:
yea right
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im serious.. u have my word
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i logging this whole msn convo down .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
same here dude
TEE JUN™ says:
if there is any raise of this issue, i wont hesitate to let the police handle
TEE JUN™ says:
hope i make it clear .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you call police, call la, you threaten me then now wanna call police
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you stupid or what?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you call police, you also kena you idiot
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you don't know please dont act
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
might as well stuff a dildo up ur own arse right?
TEE JUN™ says:
i know, so i mince my words
TEE JUN™ says:
look at ur msn convo we took last night, you are obviously taunting me first
TEE JUN™ says:
look hard
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i tell you now, this matter if ever raised again, will be between you and me, noone else will come on my side.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes i was u idiot
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if you ever, get anybody else involved, i hope you will not regret it
TEE JUN™ says:
you like getting other people involve? wadsup wif all that tag reply in ur tag then
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
thats people not happy with u actin gangster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i dont see anyone taggin and makin noise about how i bully u right? so maybe noone cares about you or they all feel the same way
TEE JUN™ says:
ah shut up, i dun care that much either
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you one min, act big, the threaten me, then act gangster, then scared, then act big again, then dun want to apologise, the now want to act big again
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop wastin my time and make ur move, apologise or dont want?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if u apologise here, i accept,
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ill have to post it then
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if you dont wanna tag
TEE JUN™ says:
is just a matter between you and me, you said
TEE JUN™ says:
and you wan other people know?
TEE JUN™ says:
how contracting
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i am aplogising to you, not ur blog. wad's the diff
TEE JUN™ says:
hey you there..?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
well, you make ur threatenin statement for the world to know, then now you dont want to apologise on the same media u use
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur contradicting you fuckhead
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want the world to see how big you are, then now u small you dont want them to see
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
what the fuck boy?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you talk long story.. and u got to work i dont want to prolong this..
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm sorry then . post it for all you wan, i haf to get back to my work. is so tiring when you keep talking about this fucking matter.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
it seems like you want to give up but you dont want the world to see
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm sorry then . post it for all you wan, i haf to get back to my work. is so tiring when you keep talking about this fucking matter.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
how heroic
TEE JUN™ says:
how irritating
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes you are
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
after you apologise still very rebellious ah
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so it seems like you dont mean it
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont say it coz you have to
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
say it coz u mean it
TEE JUN™ says:
i mean it dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then i shall post this and on my part, this matter is over
TEE JUN™ says:
i mince my words .
TEE JUN™ says:
hope you better get this whole fucking mattter rest, the more i think over it, the more piss i am getting.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont think then!
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
eh, over already why you still typing?
TEE JUN™ says:
back to work, pls dun irritate me again. Get some life done pls instead of hogging my frenster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
still want to have the last word ah?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want to start another problem is it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
bloody chee bai never learn your mistake
TEE JUN™ says:
i mince my words lee, i dun wan any matter raising up again.
TEE JUN™ says:
not provoking you or sorts.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then fuck off and stop typing!
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you dont understand english?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
pu yao chiang lia, ni zhou pu ya hui lai
TEE JUN™ says:
wad talking you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
chinese also you dont understand?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
go away and dont bother me and i wont bother you
TEE JUN™ says:
your chi dun sound like one
TEE JUN™ says:
k .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop readin my blog so you wont get all PMS on me
So I guess it's over.
hey lee, wadsup with you nowadays?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want to act gangster ah?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
tell me to watch out
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i wait for you after wokr you want?
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then dont come and talk big when you scared
TEE JUN™ says:
scared? you gotta be kidding
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then u got balls to talk... but no balls to do it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ask me watch out? watch out for you is it?
TEE JUN™ says:
i aint gonna do anything man .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i am...
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then u ask me watch out for what you pussy? talk big only
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u tai chi come and tai chi with me la... talk long story for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
you are finding tai chi from me in the first place? i didnt even provoke you .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you nvr provoke me?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i tai chi with you last night sua already
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you come tag on y blog ask me watch out for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
sua? you still put up an nice entry expecting people to read?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
first you zi hong now u gangster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i ask you la.. u ask me watch out for what?
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt mean to be a ganster or wadsoever rubbish pls .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
boy, i tell you now, the next time i see you, you die.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
since you scared you dont wanna let me come find you ill wai toutside school when you return back to nyp
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then you will see what is gangster you bloody poser
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur stupidity is ur major flaw
TEE JUN™ says:
stop all ur insult pls, and are you threatening me or smth now?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes i am
TEE JUN™ says:
okay noted .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
go zi hong to ur girls la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
either that or you gonna go report police.... you wait la till i see you
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
you are making me laugh lee
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you tai chi with me with both involve yo go get other people invold you will regret
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you make the whole world laugh u idiot
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt say i wan get other people involve
TEE JUN™ says:
why are you getting all so work up right now
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
chill ur fuckin head la
TEE JUN™ says:
apparently, you get the whole idea wrong since the start of beginning
TEE JUN™ says:
wads wrong with you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur attitude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
try gangster with me then now scared
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u want to act, act all the way la why stop now?
TEE JUN™ says:
you fucking insult me ytd, i didnt care much
TEE JUN™ says:
but the thing i saw in ur blog really irritate me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
oh so since you are irritated, now you know how we feel when we see you
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so u irritated, thats ur excuse for being gangster la?
TEE JUN™ says:
when did i ever irritate you all guys first?
TEE JUN™ says:
being ganster is just ur assumption dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so im supposed to forgive you and forget about it la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u ask me watch out.. u still havent answered my question, watch out for what?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
watch out for ur fake six packs?
TEE JUN™ says:
watch ur back? maybe you haf offend other people as well?
TEE JUN™ says:
not just irritate me.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont come and lie now okay
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if i offend other people that is my problem with them
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
nothing to do with you
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt chap with them or
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
now im tellin u u pissed me off twice in two days
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and tryin to pretend to be gangster
TEE JUN™ says:
oh fuck, you just don't get it
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
no you dont get it, stop pretendin to be elvis presley, your not good lookin... stop zi honging
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and dont ever, ever try to play gangster with me
TEE JUN™ says:
elvis? hahaha
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt say i am gd looking in the first place
TEE JUN™ says:
does looks play a part here
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i give you 2 choice, either to tag on my blog and apologise, or ill give you a good greetin when i see you
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
it doesnt coz you dont have any
TEE JUN™ says:
aplogise for threatening you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
apologise for actin gangster
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i aint a ganster .
TEE JUN™ says:
never will .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then dont act like one
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
and im still waitin for your choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
TEE JUN™ says:
wad you mean by a good greeting dude?
TEE JUN™ says:
can you explain?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u wait then you see la
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
pls dont act stupid with me alright?
TEE JUN™ says:
so you are threatening me?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i already tahan ur zi hong and ur gangster attitude, i dont need to deal with stupidity
TEE JUN™ says:
which give me no choice?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im not threatenin you, im tellin you
TEE JUN™ says:
you are not
TEE JUN™ says:
you wan me copy and paste for you to see?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u have a choice, apologise or greet me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
damn simple.. y u dun wanna ur girls to see u apologise right? then you also don want me to greet you right?
TEE JUN™ says:
this is nothing to do with gals dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
its hard as a zi hong i noe....
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
but u got to make ur choice
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
hey, you got to work, i have a life, lets make it quick alright?
TEE JUN™ says:
you have a life?
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
this isnt the right time to act with me okay...
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im still waitin.. or you just tryin to piss me off further
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop wasting my time
TEE JUN™ says:
okay i apologise
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
okay my blog is waiting
TEE JUN™ says:
will you just tone down this fucking matter?
TEE JUN™ says:
it really irritate me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i will once you apologise and leave this matter alone and i will
TEE JUN™ says:
obviously, wad make ur words so true this time?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i dont lie to you
TEE JUN™ says:
I don't haf time to view ur blog, cause i am busy with work right now!
TEE JUN™ says:
I apologizing here .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
but u got time to go and tag just now?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
u tag on my blog, you apologise on my blog
TEE JUN™ says:
i was when i am at home
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
here u go.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
the tag board is on the right
TEE JUN™ says:
is jus a blog, not forum
TEE JUN™ says:
wads the diff?
TEE JUN™ says:
you are getting me more pisssssssssss
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
let the world see y u so scared... can threaten me and let ppl see but scared to apologise where u threaten me
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you can type long story here, go there type one line also cannot ah?
TEE JUN™ says:
i am not scared of you, is just that you are irritating my arse and i wan this whole fucking matter to rest
TEE JUN™ says:
get it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then apologise and its over, i wont even post thie convo
TEE JUN™ says:
yea right
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
im serious.. u have my word
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i logging this whole msn convo down .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
same here dude
TEE JUN™ says:
if there is any raise of this issue, i wont hesitate to let the police handle
TEE JUN™ says:
hope i make it clear .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you call police, call la, you threaten me then now wanna call police
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you stupid or what?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you call police, you also kena you idiot
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you don't know please dont act
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
might as well stuff a dildo up ur own arse right?
TEE JUN™ says:
i know, so i mince my words
TEE JUN™ says:
look at ur msn convo we took last night, you are obviously taunting me first
TEE JUN™ says:
look hard
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i tell you now, this matter if ever raised again, will be between you and me, noone else will come on my side.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes i was u idiot
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if you ever, get anybody else involved, i hope you will not regret it
TEE JUN™ says:
you like getting other people involve? wadsup wif all that tag reply in ur tag then
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
thats people not happy with u actin gangster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
i dont see anyone taggin and makin noise about how i bully u right? so maybe noone cares about you or they all feel the same way
TEE JUN™ says:
ah shut up, i dun care that much either
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you one min, act big, the threaten me, then act gangster, then scared, then act big again, then dun want to apologise, the now want to act big again
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop wastin my time and make ur move, apologise or dont want?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if u apologise here, i accept,
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ill have to post it then
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
if you dont wanna tag
TEE JUN™ says:
is just a matter between you and me, you said
TEE JUN™ says:
and you wan other people know?
TEE JUN™ says:
how contracting
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i am aplogising to you, not ur blog. wad's the diff
TEE JUN™ says:
hey you there..?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
well, you make ur threatenin statement for the world to know, then now you dont want to apologise on the same media u use
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
ur contradicting you fuckhead
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want the world to see how big you are, then now u small you dont want them to see
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
what the fuck boy?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you talk long story.. and u got to work i dont want to prolong this..
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm sorry then . post it for all you wan, i haf to get back to my work. is so tiring when you keep talking about this fucking matter.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
it seems like you want to give up but you dont want the world to see
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
I'm sorry then . post it for all you wan, i haf to get back to my work. is so tiring when you keep talking about this fucking matter.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
how heroic
TEE JUN™ says:
how irritating
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
yes you are
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
after you apologise still very rebellious ah
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
so it seems like you dont mean it
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont say it coz you have to
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
say it coz u mean it
TEE JUN™ says:
i mean it dude
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then i shall post this and on my part, this matter is over
TEE JUN™ says:
i mince my words .
TEE JUN™ says:
hope you better get this whole fucking mattter rest, the more i think over it, the more piss i am getting.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
dont think then!
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
eh, over already why you still typing?
TEE JUN™ says:
back to work, pls dun irritate me again. Get some life done pls instead of hogging my frenster
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
still want to have the last word ah?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you want to start another problem is it?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
bloody chee bai never learn your mistake
TEE JUN™ says:
i mince my words lee, i dun wan any matter raising up again.
TEE JUN™ says:
not provoking you or sorts.
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
then fuck off and stop typing!
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
you dont understand english?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
pu yao chiang lia, ni zhou pu ya hui lai
TEE JUN™ says:
wad talking you?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
chinese also you dont understand?
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
go away and dont bother me and i wont bother you
TEE JUN™ says:
your chi dun sound like one
TEE JUN™ says:
k .
I'm a rebel and I don't fall in love says:
stop readin my blog so you wont get all PMS on me
So I guess it's over.
Declaration of War
I wonder why you wait till seven in the morning to come and tag on my blog? Were you too busy Zi hong-ing or were you just so stupid you took that long to think of something 'gangster' to say. If you really goin' for the 'gangster' look, the smiley ain't working for you. Now you've gone and made war against yourself, how stupid can you get? Now I tell you, you wait till I see you, then you will really see how friendly I am.
P.S. To all readers, if you do come to read my blog, read it, don't talk about it. It's a blog, not a forum.
P.S. To all readers, if you do come to read my blog, read it, don't talk about it. It's a blog, not a forum.
Zi Hong alert
TEE JUN™ says:
hey look, did i ever flirt wif ur gals before?
TEE JUN™ says:
and pls i got somebody in mind, why shuld i go ard flirting wif gal
TEE JUN™ says:
get ur fact right dude
Rebel without a school says:
let me see.. audrey? madonna? mandy?
TEE JUN™ says:
audrey? er i dun even talk to her except hi? madonna? er i owe her 2 bucks and i didnt even chat wif her
TEE JUN™ says:
mandy is jus purely frens duh
Rebel without a school says:
dei dun need to bluff la..
Rebel without a school says:
u from last time tryin like siao to find a girl...
Rebel without a school says:
until now also still no luck..
TEE JUN™ says:
er please, i not that despo
Rebel without a school says:
ever thought of changin ur tactic?
TEE JUN™ says:
c'mon, i dun go around flirting with gals that i dun like .
Rebel without a school says:
but u do dude..
Rebel without a school says:
so u mean u like ALL those girls?
TEE JUN™ says:
if you called that ji hong, i haf nothing else to say.
TEE JUN™ says:
is just purely hi bye fren pls
Rebel without a school says:
coz im right u dumbass. thats y u got nothing to say
TEE JUN™ says:
you are wrong moron
Rebel without a school says:
hi bye? i thought u like to smack it with girls?
TEE JUN™ says:
can you just stfu
Rebel without a school says:
y u tu lan already?
TEE JUN™ says:
i smack it with mandy?
TEE JUN™ says:
oh c'mon .
TEE JUN™ says:
get real dude .
Rebel without a school says:
no dude, u get real
TEE JUN™ says:
we are just purely fren
Rebel without a school says:
then why u delete all ur photo comments? i thought u love attention?
Rebel without a school says:
or is it just from girls only?
TEE JUN™ says:
is nonsensical comments .
TEE JUN™ says:
by nonsensical people .
Rebel without a school says:
dont u just love attention?
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun need attention? they just come to me.
Rebel without a school says:
if i read correcly, its always you testimonial-ing first...
Rebel without a school says:
i guess ur chasin them right?
Rebel without a school says:
but seriously.. one too many la boy
TEE JUN™ says:
er okay, even if i give people a testi, does it suggest any ulterior motive? look hard at the words dude
Rebel without a school says:
erm yes..
Rebel without a school says:
im a guy i know ur not SO stupid as to say it out right away
Rebel without a school says:
smack that mandy? what the fuck is wrong with you?
TEE JUN™ says:
you ask her? we are jus reciting a song oh pls
Rebel without a school says:
yes yes, you are right.
Rebel without a school says:
im wrongly accusiin you
TEE JUN™ says:
you ask her ?
TEE JUN™ says:
i got nothing to hide you moron
Rebel without a school says:
so sorry... later ur hordes of 'girls' will come after me..
Rebel without a school says:
or must u comment them first to get attention?
TEE JUN™ says:
Rebel without a school says:
waiting waiting....
TEE JUN™ sent 24/04/2007 23:38:
btw, i jus treating frenster like a 'msn' venue, not getting attention
Rebel without a school says:
you took like so long to type that?
TEE JUN™ sent 24/04/2007 23:37:
Rebel without a school says:
y ur msn so slow?
TEE JUN™ says:
i eating dude .
TEE JUN™ says:
thats why i put away
Rebel without a school says:
need a lot of energy to zi hong right?
TEE JUN™ says:
yea right
Rebel without a school says:
eat more carbo...
TEE JUN™ says:
can you jus stop saying all these ji hong shit
Rebel without a school says:
can you stop zi hong-ing then?
TEE JUN™ says:
you dun kpkb lah, i am not zi hong-ing in the first place
TEE JUN™ says:
get a life dude and stop stalking my frenster account wif ur bunch of fren
Rebel without a school says:
we like to rid the world of jackasses la.. its our pastime,
Rebel without a school says:
so we start we low-lifes first then move up the ranks
TEE JUN™ says:
why dun you all get rid of urself first?
Rebel without a school says:
we only irritat you, you irritate all 6-10 of us.
Rebel without a school says:
and i guess you irritate the girls as well.
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
like how?
Rebel without a school says:
and pls, dont delete ut photo comments... its nice to let people see.
TEE JUN™ says:
i won't delete unless is really nonsensical stuff
Rebel without a school says:
you can put a live journal print screen of what a girl said about you but cant put our true feelings about u?
Rebel without a school says:
dei zi hong la!
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i put wad is none of ur business right
TEE JUN™ says:
like why you shuld gif a damn about it
Rebel without a school says:
if you don;t give a damn? why delete?
Rebel without a school says:
you damn funny la zh
TEE JUN™ says:
cause is you, thats why i wan delete?
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
you jus get me all piss off boy
Rebel without a school says:
then my friends put you also delete
Rebel without a school says:
go zi hong then. maybe you'll feel better
Rebel without a school says:
maybe you;ll cool down when you see some girl replyin ur comment or testi
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun care what they has reply or wad, cos is just a conversation there
Rebel without a school says:
cos is just a conversation there?
TEE JUN™ says:
er yah
Rebel without a school says:
what conversation and where you talkin about?
TEE JUN™ says:
comments in the frenster, i treat it like a ongoing conversation.
TEE JUN™ says:
like an off site msn .
Rebel without a school says:
cool, so you mean you zi hong in msn too? wow
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun haf their msn ok
Rebel without a school says:
actually i dont really care how you classify your zi hong
Rebel without a school says:
maybe you dont wanna give you?
Rebel without a school says:
coz u very zi hong?
TEE JUN™ says:
cut all these ji hong shit, i dun haf any ulterior intention like some people
Rebel without a school says:
eh boy, you want to say, come out and say, no need to say other people
Rebel without a school says:
and its you who should cut the zi hong shit
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt mention anybody alright
Rebel without a school says:
why not? you wanna say just say
Rebel without a school says:
dont gimmi 50 cents worth of shit
Rebel without a school says:
dont blow the same smoke you blow up girls into my ass
TEE JUN™ says:
look, i am not enjoying all the attention i am having right now
TEE JUN™ says:
and i dun haf any intention to hook gals or wad
Rebel without a school says:
attention from us guys or ur 'girls'?
TEE JUN™ says:
people around me?
Rebel without a school says:
u jus get the wrong kind of attention
TEE JUN™ says:
i am not seeking that anyway .
Rebel without a school says:
then stop ur supposedly non ji hong ways
Rebel without a school says:
'coz its pissing more people off by the day...
TEE JUN™ says:
wad make you think i make frens with just gals and not guys?
TEE JUN™ says:
wad make you think you are so right? like you know wad i am doing etc
TEE JUN™ says:
seriously speaking, i dun haf any mean to offend anybod
Rebel without a school says:
u make friends with like 20 girls and one guy
Rebel without a school says:
well u offend us so stop
Rebel without a school says:
its so fuckin obvious la boy
TEE JUN™ says:
20 gals? you gotta be kidding
Rebel without a school says:
i read your comments can tell
Rebel without a school says:
yes too much la.. ur zi hong skill not that powerful..
TEE JUN™ says:
read on more
Rebel without a school says:
i wont be able to tahan la boy..
Rebel without a school says:
i was on ur case from our ltc till now
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
may i know who haf i offend?
Rebel without a school says:
all you need to know is me
Rebel without a school says:
thats more than enough for you to handle
TEE JUN™ says:
in wad ways haf i offend you when i am just purely being fren with females
Rebel without a school says:
i told you before, im a guy, i know when someone is flirtin and when someone is being purely friends.
Rebel without a school says:
and i say again, dont blow soke up my ass
TEE JUN™ sent 25/04/2007 00:02:
alright, i'm sorry for that matter if I have offend you in any other ways i can think off
Rebel without a school says:
thank you and im sorry if i was harsh on you
TEE JUN™ says:
that sounds damn sarcastic boy .
Rebel without a school says:
im serious. i mean it
Rebel without a school says:
havent lied to you, wont start now.
TEE JUN™ says:
oh thank you then .
Rebel without a school says:
and dont ever call me boy again or ill punch you in the face
TEE JUN™ says:
oh okayy
TEE JUN™ says:
why can't i call you that?
Rebel without a school says:
'coz i said so.
(Then he stop replyin')
To all girls, you can come of hiding, everything is safe for now. We, the wildboyz/ memebrs of SAC will rid the world, startin' with NYP, of all losers, whimps, faggots and fucktarts!
Beware losers, we are on the prowl!
hey look, did i ever flirt wif ur gals before?
TEE JUN™ says:
and pls i got somebody in mind, why shuld i go ard flirting wif gal
TEE JUN™ says:
get ur fact right dude
Rebel without a school says:
let me see.. audrey? madonna? mandy?
TEE JUN™ says:
audrey? er i dun even talk to her except hi? madonna? er i owe her 2 bucks and i didnt even chat wif her
TEE JUN™ says:
mandy is jus purely frens duh
Rebel without a school says:
dei dun need to bluff la..
Rebel without a school says:
u from last time tryin like siao to find a girl...
Rebel without a school says:
until now also still no luck..
TEE JUN™ says:
er please, i not that despo
Rebel without a school says:
ever thought of changin ur tactic?
TEE JUN™ says:
c'mon, i dun go around flirting with gals that i dun like .
Rebel without a school says:
but u do dude..
Rebel without a school says:
so u mean u like ALL those girls?
TEE JUN™ says:
if you called that ji hong, i haf nothing else to say.
TEE JUN™ says:
is just purely hi bye fren pls
Rebel without a school says:
coz im right u dumbass. thats y u got nothing to say
TEE JUN™ says:
you are wrong moron
Rebel without a school says:
hi bye? i thought u like to smack it with girls?
TEE JUN™ says:
can you just stfu
Rebel without a school says:
y u tu lan already?
TEE JUN™ says:
i smack it with mandy?
TEE JUN™ says:
oh c'mon .
TEE JUN™ says:
get real dude .
Rebel without a school says:
no dude, u get real
TEE JUN™ says:
we are just purely fren
Rebel without a school says:
then why u delete all ur photo comments? i thought u love attention?
Rebel without a school says:
or is it just from girls only?
TEE JUN™ says:
is nonsensical comments .
TEE JUN™ says:
by nonsensical people .
Rebel without a school says:
dont u just love attention?
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun need attention? they just come to me.
Rebel without a school says:
if i read correcly, its always you testimonial-ing first...
Rebel without a school says:
i guess ur chasin them right?
Rebel without a school says:
but seriously.. one too many la boy
TEE JUN™ says:
er okay, even if i give people a testi, does it suggest any ulterior motive? look hard at the words dude
Rebel without a school says:
erm yes..
Rebel without a school says:
im a guy i know ur not SO stupid as to say it out right away
Rebel without a school says:
smack that mandy? what the fuck is wrong with you?
TEE JUN™ says:
you ask her? we are jus reciting a song oh pls
Rebel without a school says:
yes yes, you are right.
Rebel without a school says:
im wrongly accusiin you
TEE JUN™ says:
you ask her ?
TEE JUN™ says:
i got nothing to hide you moron
Rebel without a school says:
so sorry... later ur hordes of 'girls' will come after me..
Rebel without a school says:
or must u comment them first to get attention?
TEE JUN™ says:
Rebel without a school says:
waiting waiting....
TEE JUN™ sent 24/04/2007 23:38:
btw, i jus treating frenster like a 'msn' venue, not getting attention
Rebel without a school says:
you took like so long to type that?
TEE JUN™ sent 24/04/2007 23:37:
Rebel without a school says:
y ur msn so slow?
TEE JUN™ says:
i eating dude .
TEE JUN™ says:
thats why i put away
Rebel without a school says:
need a lot of energy to zi hong right?
TEE JUN™ says:
yea right
Rebel without a school says:
eat more carbo...
TEE JUN™ says:
can you jus stop saying all these ji hong shit
Rebel without a school says:
can you stop zi hong-ing then?
TEE JUN™ says:
you dun kpkb lah, i am not zi hong-ing in the first place
TEE JUN™ says:
get a life dude and stop stalking my frenster account wif ur bunch of fren
Rebel without a school says:
we like to rid the world of jackasses la.. its our pastime,
Rebel without a school says:
so we start we low-lifes first then move up the ranks
TEE JUN™ says:
why dun you all get rid of urself first?
Rebel without a school says:
we only irritat you, you irritate all 6-10 of us.
Rebel without a school says:
and i guess you irritate the girls as well.
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
like how?
Rebel without a school says:
and pls, dont delete ut photo comments... its nice to let people see.
TEE JUN™ says:
i won't delete unless is really nonsensical stuff
Rebel without a school says:
you can put a live journal print screen of what a girl said about you but cant put our true feelings about u?
Rebel without a school says:
dei zi hong la!
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i put wad is none of ur business right
TEE JUN™ says:
like why you shuld gif a damn about it
Rebel without a school says:
if you don;t give a damn? why delete?
Rebel without a school says:
you damn funny la zh
TEE JUN™ says:
cause is you, thats why i wan delete?
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
you jus get me all piss off boy
Rebel without a school says:
then my friends put you also delete
Rebel without a school says:
go zi hong then. maybe you'll feel better
Rebel without a school says:
maybe you;ll cool down when you see some girl replyin ur comment or testi
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun care what they has reply or wad, cos is just a conversation there
Rebel without a school says:
cos is just a conversation there?
TEE JUN™ says:
er yah
Rebel without a school says:
what conversation and where you talkin about?
TEE JUN™ says:
comments in the frenster, i treat it like a ongoing conversation.
TEE JUN™ says:
like an off site msn .
Rebel without a school says:
cool, so you mean you zi hong in msn too? wow
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
i dun haf their msn ok
Rebel without a school says:
actually i dont really care how you classify your zi hong
Rebel without a school says:
maybe you dont wanna give you?
Rebel without a school says:
coz u very zi hong?
TEE JUN™ says:
cut all these ji hong shit, i dun haf any ulterior intention like some people
Rebel without a school says:
eh boy, you want to say, come out and say, no need to say other people
Rebel without a school says:
and its you who should cut the zi hong shit
TEE JUN™ says:
i didnt mention anybody alright
Rebel without a school says:
why not? you wanna say just say
Rebel without a school says:
dont gimmi 50 cents worth of shit
Rebel without a school says:
dont blow the same smoke you blow up girls into my ass
TEE JUN™ says:
look, i am not enjoying all the attention i am having right now
TEE JUN™ says:
and i dun haf any intention to hook gals or wad
Rebel without a school says:
attention from us guys or ur 'girls'?
TEE JUN™ says:
people around me?
Rebel without a school says:
u jus get the wrong kind of attention
TEE JUN™ says:
i am not seeking that anyway .
Rebel without a school says:
then stop ur supposedly non ji hong ways
Rebel without a school says:
'coz its pissing more people off by the day...
TEE JUN™ says:
wad make you think i make frens with just gals and not guys?
TEE JUN™ says:
wad make you think you are so right? like you know wad i am doing etc
TEE JUN™ says:
seriously speaking, i dun haf any mean to offend anybod
Rebel without a school says:
u make friends with like 20 girls and one guy
Rebel without a school says:
well u offend us so stop
Rebel without a school says:
its so fuckin obvious la boy
TEE JUN™ says:
20 gals? you gotta be kidding
Rebel without a school says:
i read your comments can tell
Rebel without a school says:
yes too much la.. ur zi hong skill not that powerful..
TEE JUN™ says:
read on more
Rebel without a school says:
i wont be able to tahan la boy..
Rebel without a school says:
i was on ur case from our ltc till now
TEE JUN™ says:
TEE JUN™ says:
may i know who haf i offend?
Rebel without a school says:
all you need to know is me
Rebel without a school says:
thats more than enough for you to handle
TEE JUN™ says:
in wad ways haf i offend you when i am just purely being fren with females
Rebel without a school says:
i told you before, im a guy, i know when someone is flirtin and when someone is being purely friends.
Rebel without a school says:
and i say again, dont blow soke up my ass
TEE JUN™ sent 25/04/2007 00:02:
alright, i'm sorry for that matter if I have offend you in any other ways i can think off
Rebel without a school says:
thank you and im sorry if i was harsh on you
TEE JUN™ says:
that sounds damn sarcastic boy .
Rebel without a school says:
im serious. i mean it
Rebel without a school says:
havent lied to you, wont start now.
TEE JUN™ says:
oh thank you then .
Rebel without a school says:
and dont ever call me boy again or ill punch you in the face
TEE JUN™ says:
oh okayy
TEE JUN™ says:
why can't i call you that?
Rebel without a school says:
'coz i said so.
(Then he stop replyin')
To all girls, you can come of hiding, everything is safe for now. We, the wildboyz/ memebrs of SAC will rid the world, startin' with NYP, of all losers, whimps, faggots and fucktarts!
Beware losers, we are on the prowl!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friends beat ex girlfriends anyday
Friends come and go, friends talk cock. Friends play you out.
Good friends come and don't go, good friends talk brainless cock. Good friends play you out but always return to be there the next day.
Ex girlfriends only leave you with heartache and pain, no good memories. Good friends leave you nothing but the best.
Ex girlfriends fuck you in the ass and walk away. Good friends fuck you in the ass but they bother to wipe up the mess.
Friends are there when they are down, good friends are there when you are down.
Enough of emotional crap.
I was friendster hoppin' and came to Tee Jun's page. Six pack? You got to be fuckin' kiddin' me. Fight in school! Stupid BIT dudes kept pokin' fun at some girl and her super-ah beng boyfriend wasn't too happy about that. Beat up his friend and him too. 10 mins late classmates came, 10 mins later ambulance came. 10 mins later polic car arrives, another 10 mins, another car. 20 mins later, NYP secrurity arrives. How effective is our law enforcement in NYP. I feel so fuckin' safe. What if some kid starts killin' people in NYP. After everyone dies, then I think the guard will come.
Jam 'n' Hop was crap. Alexstine as MC? What were they fuckin' thinkin'? Sure, he's cool and all. Really go me in the mood. Dorcas is cool, although nerdy, she's cool. Looks nerdy but cool attitude. Alex? Nerdy look, nerdy attitude. MIght as well be the mascot for Chess Club. Tammy ain't that hot, typical ah lian, hur hur hur. Are you thinkin' the same thing I'm thinkin'?
Darren damn aunty la, tryin' to be Mr/Miss Freshie pimp? Boy, I was doin' this long time before you. Please do it with a bit of class and not seem like you're leadin' a group of lost kids around school.
Bloody malay idiot with tappered jeans and batik shirt and stupid NYP orientation bag. Please don't try to be a pimp too, 'coz you ran the minute you heard us walkin' through the door.
The only reason I went for Jam 'n' Hop was 'coz we were all goin' together. Then my dad had to leave for Taiwan. Sorry for leavin' so early.
Good friends come and don't go, good friends talk brainless cock. Good friends play you out but always return to be there the next day.
Ex girlfriends only leave you with heartache and pain, no good memories. Good friends leave you nothing but the best.
Ex girlfriends fuck you in the ass and walk away. Good friends fuck you in the ass but they bother to wipe up the mess.
Friends are there when they are down, good friends are there when you are down.
Enough of emotional crap.
I was friendster hoppin' and came to Tee Jun's page. Six pack? You got to be fuckin' kiddin' me. Fight in school! Stupid BIT dudes kept pokin' fun at some girl and her super-ah beng boyfriend wasn't too happy about that. Beat up his friend and him too. 10 mins late classmates came, 10 mins later ambulance came. 10 mins later polic car arrives, another 10 mins, another car. 20 mins later, NYP secrurity arrives. How effective is our law enforcement in NYP. I feel so fuckin' safe. What if some kid starts killin' people in NYP. After everyone dies, then I think the guard will come.
Jam 'n' Hop was crap. Alexstine as MC? What were they fuckin' thinkin'? Sure, he's cool and all. Really go me in the mood. Dorcas is cool, although nerdy, she's cool. Looks nerdy but cool attitude. Alex? Nerdy look, nerdy attitude. MIght as well be the mascot for Chess Club. Tammy ain't that hot, typical ah lian, hur hur hur. Are you thinkin' the same thing I'm thinkin'?
Darren damn aunty la, tryin' to be Mr/Miss Freshie pimp? Boy, I was doin' this long time before you. Please do it with a bit of class and not seem like you're leadin' a group of lost kids around school.
Bloody malay idiot with tappered jeans and batik shirt and stupid NYP orientation bag. Please don't try to be a pimp too, 'coz you ran the minute you heard us walkin' through the door.
The only reason I went for Jam 'n' Hop was 'coz we were all goin' together. Then my dad had to leave for Taiwan. Sorry for leavin' so early.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
As we go on

Adrian had to scratch his butt when he saw her

'Hello, mummy they all don't wanna friend me'
Revoltage Militia, Adrian and me
Yesterday was also a good day, hangin' out with the dudes and SAC is good. Met Mandy for dinner and a movie. Crashed the minute I got home. Ash saw the German Sheperd and he got depressed. NYP Miss SBm 2007. Fuckin' good one dudes! Met Cheryl, the girl in high heels in school for some wierd reason and hung out for awhile. Seems chiou-erin real life.
Anyways, the Freshies? Not that good, maybe just some like John, Darren, Regan, Fishball, the Malaysian Miss Freshie and my lovely Xiao Tian.
What does everyone say when we see Jaslyn? 'I got no smokes! I got no smokes!'
Monday, April 16, 2007
9.Are you happy with your currentboy/girlfriend?
:: yes.
10.When is the most memorable day?
:: when i got wasted and the stuff he said to me.
'And I feel so fuckin' bad for doin' the shit I did and she could still talk to me and smile today. I really did fuck up and seriously hurt her.
I'm sorry Charlene.
:: yes.
10.When is the most memorable day?
:: when i got wasted and the stuff he said to me.
'And I feel so fuckin' bad for doin' the shit I did and she could still talk to me and smile today. I really did fuck up and seriously hurt her.
I'm sorry Charlene.
Crash Party
Crashin' Freshie lectures is fun, passin' notes through windows and to complete strangers is also fun. Makin' noise in FJ and disturbin Freshies is fun! Today was so fuckin' fun! Old and new friends, mixed together brings out the best in all!
Sak Ah! Sak Ah! Sak Ah!
Sak Ah! Sak Ah! Sak Ah!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Not too late
tell me how you've been, tell me what you've seen, tell me that you'd like to see me too. 'Cause my heart is full of no blood, my cup is full of no love, couldn't take another sip even if I wanted. But it's not too late, not too late for love. My lungs are out of air, your's are holding smoke, and it's been like that for so long. I've seen people try to change,and I know it isn't easy, but nothin' worth the time ever is. And it's not too late, it's not too late for love, for love, for love, for love.
I sure hope it's not too late.
I sure hope it's not too late.
Few things to live for

The only reason I don't love you like I loved you yesterday is because I love you more.
When Dinesh cried I thought he was drunk but he was sober, and all the things he said touched my deeply.
Durin' debrief, someone thanked me for doin' what I did. I never got mentioned in debriefs unless it's about smokin'. I was very touched at the fact that I was remember even though I was runnin' around all the time doin' crap.
When everything was over and I thought everyone went home, the were actually waitin' for me at the smokin' alley, and I was touched for the third time.
After pool, Leah said, she could tell that I was sad and she got everyone to 'taun' the night with me. I was touched once again.
At David's house, Ice cooked Maggi mee and egg for me and no one except Mandy has cooked for me.
When I was goin' off, David gave me pat on the shoulder and told me that he was there for me. I felt it too.
At the lowest point, they were there for me and I would really wanna thank them for everything.
Dinesh and Kenneth, even though you guys weren't there, I'll always keep you guys in my heart 'coz I know there's where you'll always be.
P.S. I lost my wallet. It's either along the '913 to my house' route or in my house.
These are the days
Thanks to you guys, this few days have been the best.
Vee-the man who knows everything-notth
He He He
Kawaii Ne!
Darryn being gay as usual
I guess she's my cam partner, this is what happens when you're friends with a cam whore who has nice smellin' hair
Ice's and David's houses were the bomb, never had so much fun with friends. How I wished Ken was there.
To Ice, thank you for showin' me your emo side of life
To David, I really thank you for everything you've done for me
To Vee, thanks for the comfortin' and wise words
To Leah, thanks for being there for me through these days
To Joezer, thanks for hangin' out with a bunch of idiots like us
To Guan Zhe, thanks for lettin' us make funr of you, you too are and awesome friend
To Adrian Pang, thanks for rollin' how you roll, and for also bein' there dude
To Raman, thanks for always pullin' me away to go do things
To Dinesh, I really felt touched when you cried, fret not, I'll always be here dude
To the SAC, thank you for volunteerin' to write an appeal letter with 2oo signatures, I really am touched.
To Shi Long, thanks for all the fun dude, and like I said, I love you man
To Char Char, vhy you kena cut last night?
This is where I tell of the fun, sadness and friendship I found through these few days. Orientation aside, I did it 'coz I had to and didn't really enjoy it.
All I can say is that stayin' over at these dudes' houses, has really opened my eyes. Makin' new friends who were there when I was so fuckin' down.
Told them so much and learnt so much. I'll miss you guys