These are the days
Thanks to you guys, this few days have been the best.
Vee-the man who knows everything-notth
He He He
Kawaii Ne!
Darryn being gay as usual
I guess she's my cam partner, this is what happens when you're friends with a cam whore who has nice smellin' hair
Ice's and David's houses were the bomb, never had so much fun with friends. How I wished Ken was there.
To Ice, thank you for showin' me your emo side of life
To David, I really thank you for everything you've done for me
To Vee, thanks for the comfortin' and wise words
To Leah, thanks for being there for me through these days
To Joezer, thanks for hangin' out with a bunch of idiots like us
To Guan Zhe, thanks for lettin' us make funr of you, you too are and awesome friend
To Adrian Pang, thanks for rollin' how you roll, and for also bein' there dude
To Raman, thanks for always pullin' me away to go do things
To Dinesh, I really felt touched when you cried, fret not, I'll always be here dude
To the SAC, thank you for volunteerin' to write an appeal letter with 2oo signatures, I really am touched.
To Shi Long, thanks for all the fun dude, and like I said, I love you man
To Char Char, vhy you kena cut last night?
This is where I tell of the fun, sadness and friendship I found through these few days. Orientation aside, I did it 'coz I had to and didn't really enjoy it.
All I can say is that stayin' over at these dudes' houses, has really opened my eyes. Makin' new friends who were there when I was so fuckin' down.
Told them so much and learnt so much. I'll miss you guys
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