Few things to live for

The only reason I don't love you like I loved you yesterday is because I love you more.
When Dinesh cried I thought he was drunk but he was sober, and all the things he said touched my deeply.
Durin' debrief, someone thanked me for doin' what I did. I never got mentioned in debriefs unless it's about smokin'. I was very touched at the fact that I was remember even though I was runnin' around all the time doin' crap.
When everything was over and I thought everyone went home, the were actually waitin' for me at the smokin' alley, and I was touched for the third time.
After pool, Leah said, she could tell that I was sad and she got everyone to 'taun' the night with me. I was touched once again.
At David's house, Ice cooked Maggi mee and egg for me and no one except Mandy has cooked for me.
When I was goin' off, David gave me pat on the shoulder and told me that he was there for me. I felt it too.
At the lowest point, they were there for me and I would really wanna thank them for everything.
Dinesh and Kenneth, even though you guys weren't there, I'll always keep you guys in my heart 'coz I know there's where you'll always be.
P.S. I lost my wallet. It's either along the '913 to my house' route or in my house.
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