I think Herry and you really connect. I wish you all the best for your future and I'll support your desicions. I may not like them, but I'll support them. I thought you'd be better off with Lucy, but now I think you're better off with Herry, both of you can go play Dota and make fun of Kar Wei. Well you should have told me earlier so I wouldn't have done things I've already done. I'll stil be here if you ever need me.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Scary Movie 4 was a waste of money.
I had a really, really horrible dream.
I'll never look at Mandy or my dad the same way.
I took her off my contact and comrade list.
I don't wanna hurt myself anymore.
I got a 'li' on my middle finger.
I like prawn noodle.
I hate school.
I'm still angry with Asher.
SBM club is the most fucked up CCA ever, besides Leo Club.
I seriously hate it when people judge me before knowin' anything.
Alvin's really nice.
I passed my management ICA but failed my stats and web tech.
I want to apprentice as a tattooist.
My dad has never taught me the guitar.
My 'friends' lie to me to keep things away from me.
People don't wanna talk to me when they see me but know how to ask for help when they don't know how to do their web tech projects.
It's not 'bolow me your pen', it's can I borrow your pen?.
It's not telepuppy, it's telepathy.
I don't believe in 'the gee-gers', im a catholic, and his name is Jesus, for cryin' out loud!
Motorola is horrible.
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny are as real as a flyin' dog.
He dun lurb eu because you can't even spell properly.
ThIs Is DeFiNaTeLy Not CoOl aT aLl So PlEaSe DoN't Do It.
'Please stand behind the yellow line' means stand behind the line of mungens already on the line!
It's a fuckin' grab pole not a lean pole you dumb aunty-of-a-bitch!
If you don't know what mixed grill is, please shoot yourself, I'm serious.
You had to have watched Karate Kis once in your life right?
Meds= Medicine, same thing like 3+4=7 and 4+3=7.
Reading is nice.
Not all clowns are scary.
I'm a rebel without a cause.
Don't shout at blind people, they're not deaf, they just can't see.
And I don't wanna see YOU ever again.
I had a really, really horrible dream.
I'll never look at Mandy or my dad the same way.
I took her off my contact and comrade list.
I don't wanna hurt myself anymore.
I got a 'li' on my middle finger.
I like prawn noodle.
I hate school.
I'm still angry with Asher.
SBM club is the most fucked up CCA ever, besides Leo Club.
I seriously hate it when people judge me before knowin' anything.
Alvin's really nice.
I passed my management ICA but failed my stats and web tech.
I want to apprentice as a tattooist.
My dad has never taught me the guitar.
My 'friends' lie to me to keep things away from me.
People don't wanna talk to me when they see me but know how to ask for help when they don't know how to do their web tech projects.
It's not 'bolow me your pen', it's can I borrow your pen?.
It's not telepuppy, it's telepathy.
I don't believe in 'the gee-gers', im a catholic, and his name is Jesus, for cryin' out loud!
Motorola is horrible.
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny are as real as a flyin' dog.
He dun lurb eu because you can't even spell properly.
ThIs Is DeFiNaTeLy Not CoOl aT aLl So PlEaSe DoN't Do It.
'Please stand behind the yellow line' means stand behind the line of mungens already on the line!
It's a fuckin' grab pole not a lean pole you dumb aunty-of-a-bitch!
If you don't know what mixed grill is, please shoot yourself, I'm serious.
You had to have watched Karate Kis once in your life right?
Meds= Medicine, same thing like 3+4=7 and 4+3=7.
Reading is nice.
Not all clowns are scary.
I'm a rebel without a cause.
Don't shout at blind people, they're not deaf, they just can't see.
And I don't wanna see YOU ever again.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I just feel so wierd around you. I'll never look at you or my dad the same way again. Love is a bitch, a big fat bitch. Love is a bigger bitch than Santa Claus. Today was a big fuckin' mistake, everything was a big fuckin' mistake.
Monday, June 26, 2006
If I remember correctly, there's a line in that song sayin' you're unfaithful. That raises some eyebrows there.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Busy, busy weekend. SBM bbq on Friday, CYF nite on Saturday and Selina's confirmation on Sunday.
Miss Mandy Seet Wenxi, tryin', I repeat tryin' to act dao.
A picture paints a thousand words, but for Kar Wei, I'm speechless.
We played Polar Bear for like 3 hrs straight, you can't keep quiet or make noise either, or you'll be accused of habourin' a 'polar bear' face.
We found this cart on the way to East Coast so Mandy and I took turns to push each other. Seiously, why stare at us when we're only helpin' S'pore support it's energy savin' transport scheme.
Happy Birthday to you.
Who comes to a bbq in formal? Muksiq!
Mandy and Yurong.
CYF nite! Nadia and me.
Word of caution, smile till the flash goes off please?
Shawn tryin' to be useful. Not.
The Emcees for the night, Gilbert and the other dude.
One of the few performances, by Rebecca and group.
Judette tried her hand at singin'. She ain't that bad!
Heng, being his usual self.
Some jackass wanted to stand there the whole night and scrutinize every signature, thus the obscene lookin' shadow.
Whenever there's jacob,you need flash! I'm serious!
Ah! Much better! Hmm matt,Felicia ^, or Alicia\/?
Matt, and Alicia. Aloy and I took a 1/2 hr to get him to stand next to her. Posin' for some bridal shoot.
That's damn creepy, we caught (Alex) Gwen starrin' at us durin' the whole mass.
I'm serious, this babe here always had one leg infront of the other. During the entire mass!
See what I mean?
What can I say, I like short shorts. Nice legs only, nothing else was nice, trust me.
Gwen and Alex. Yeap they look familiar.
Here they were runnin' away again 1 week ago. Get a room!
Aloy, Me and Carrrrrrrrrlito! Naa that's Johnathon.

Friday, June 23, 2006