Tuesday, November 29, 2005
You don't need grills over your windows, or to remember to lock your doors to keep burglars out. All you need is a good ol' baseball bat, or a trusty bicycle handle. Trust me.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Am I more then you bargined for yet? I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear. 'Coz that's just who I am this week. Lie in the grass next to the mausoleum. I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song. Drop a heart and break a name. We're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. And sugar we're goin down swingin. I'll be your number one with a bullet. A loaded gun complex. Cock it and pull it.
Is this more then you bargined for yet? Oh, don't mind me. I'm watching you two from the closet. Wishing to be the friction in your jeans. Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him. I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song. Drop a heart and break a name. We're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. And sugar we're goin down swingin. I'll be your number one with a bullet. A loaded gun complex. Cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. And sugar we're goin down swingin. I'll be your number one with a bullet. A loaded gun complex. Cock it and pull it.
Is this more then you bargined for yet? Oh, don't mind me. I'm watching you two from the closet. Wishing to be the friction in your jeans. Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him. I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song. Drop a heart and break a name. We're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. And sugar we're goin down swingin. I'll be your number one with a bullet. A loaded gun complex. Cock it and pull it.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Met up with Mandy, Philip, Aaron, Marcus, Sara and Grace yesterday for a day of pool. Opened up two tables and just balled the afternoon away. Didn't play too well 'coz I'm sick. Felt like shit when I woke up yesterday morning, skipped school.
Mandy tried her first puff yesterday. Marcus and Philip smoked too. I was kinda shocked but I had expected it also. When you don't let kids do something, the more they're likely to do it.
We spent like $40 on the tables. I dunno how it came about but someone bought chocolate milk by mistake and Grace ended up drinkin' it.
Then Grace and Sara left for Justice League meeting. The boys followed us. We ended up playin' pool again at Toa Payoh. Seriously, Philip takes 10 years to finish a game.
Philip likes Sara! Ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Woot! Woot! Quite a shy guy. It seems like every kid is falling for Sara! Woot! Woot!
Then it was off to church, some meeting, but they ended up screenin' Passion of Christ. Well, something happened durin' the movie that made me so angry and hurt.
Right under my nose and it happened. Yea it was dark, but still, you're right next to me? How could you put your hand on his leg and caress him?
Mandy tried her first puff yesterday. Marcus and Philip smoked too. I was kinda shocked but I had expected it also. When you don't let kids do something, the more they're likely to do it.
We spent like $40 on the tables. I dunno how it came about but someone bought chocolate milk by mistake and Grace ended up drinkin' it.
Then Grace and Sara left for Justice League meeting. The boys followed us. We ended up playin' pool again at Toa Payoh. Seriously, Philip takes 10 years to finish a game.
Philip likes Sara! Ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Woot! Woot! Quite a shy guy. It seems like every kid is falling for Sara! Woot! Woot!
Then it was off to church, some meeting, but they ended up screenin' Passion of Christ. Well, something happened durin' the movie that made me so angry and hurt.
Right under my nose and it happened. Yea it was dark, but still, you're right next to me? How could you put your hand on his leg and caress him?
I didn't know what to do. After the movie I just left. You just pissed me off more by wearing his jacket. You followed me all the way to your house. I wanted to walk away and never see you ever again. But I couldn't bring myself to say it. That's why I broke down. I couldn't take it. Bein' hurt twice like this is already enough. Not again, not once more. Not with some punk who can't even buy his own smokes.
I never shouted at you before, not like this, not with anger and bitterness. And you laughed, when I needed you the most you laughed at me.
I know we made up and it was all a misunderstanding but it still hurts. It still hurts when it plays back in my mind, like a tape gone back, it just plays and plays and plays.
Time ain't gonna help me forget about it, nothing's gonna help me forget 'bout it. I'll just have to put it in my trunk of bad memories
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I don't want anyone to let go. I want it to stay just the way it is. I still love you and I still do want you, as much as before.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
A lot has happened lately. I've never been happier to see one dash on anything before. I feel kinda better, but through it all, it has helped to reinforce my point that workin' in a team can be a bitch. As long as there is more than one mind, things will go off track.
I had a camp, a high profile mass and many many problems all perched on my shoulder. The camp was great, really great. For once in my life I felt useful. For once in my life I felt there was use for me exsistence. For once.
But alas, it was too good to be true didn't have it for long. I screwed up a lot last week. Made me feel even more shitty.
It's gonna be 5 months tomorrow. I'm happy, really happy that you can love me for this long. Thank you for lovin' me. Thank you for being there when I was scared. Thank you for being there for me.
But I can't depend on you forever. I can't even support myself let alone a family. To you, I would only be a burden.
I had a camp, a high profile mass and many many problems all perched on my shoulder. The camp was great, really great. For once in my life I felt useful. For once in my life I felt there was use for me exsistence. For once.
But alas, it was too good to be true didn't have it for long. I screwed up a lot last week. Made me feel even more shitty.
It's gonna be 5 months tomorrow. I'm happy, really happy that you can love me for this long. Thank you for lovin' me. Thank you for being there when I was scared. Thank you for being there for me.
But I can't depend on you forever. I can't even support myself let alone a family. To you, I would only be a burden.
" Something foolish happens, and you'll see.
In the middle of it all there's me.
But I will love you all my life. "
My mei is my mei and my girl is my girl.
Monday, November 21, 2005

These were taken durin' the Con Camp

Friday, November 18, 2005
I love my baby and that's true. Although we're goin' through a really tough time, we're goin' through it together.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Typin' this shit in the Com. lab in school. Just finished my Stats. test. Mandy was doin' her speech thing in class just now, she was doin' great, I could see all the other kids lookin' at her like she was Miss Singapore. So proud of her.
I'm sorry 'bout yesterday baby. I really am.
I'm sorry 'bout yesterday baby. I really am.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Four little girls, sitting in a tree. One doesn't know, but the rest hate her. The next one looks like the moon. The third one looks like she ate a horse. The last one doesn't do much....
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I like her for her,
not because she's phat like Cindy Crawford.
She has got so much to offer,
why does she waste all her time on me.
There must be something there that I don't see.
I don't see.
not because she's phat like Cindy Crawford.
She has got so much to offer,
why does she waste all her time on me.
There must be something there that I don't see.
I don't see.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
At our usual lecture place,
was where I first saw your pretty face.
You added me on Friendster by some way,
and we were dating the very next day.
Forgetful Mandy,
likes it when I buy her cotton candy.
I used to trick you into calling me late at night so we would chat,
buy my favourite time was when we called our stats lecturer a very big cat.
I always treat her when we go out to eat,
I even remember the time we had Japanese and I had to take my shoes of my feet.
Forgetful Mandy,
went to the beach and got all sandy.
And I still love her so,
and I'll never let her go.
Even while I'm singing this song,
She's wishing I looked better all along.
Forgetful Mandy,
whose kisses are so damn dandy.
How 'bout another big kiss?