Jacob and Alph

Shaun loved to be fed.

Jacob had to insist on feedin' all of us his birthday doughnut.

Sara was allergic to food.

Look at her wretch in pain! ha ha ha

Sir Stamford Dickhead

Jacob and his birthday Doughnut.

We were supposed to be singin' happy birthday to Jacob, but this fool wa too busy posin'
These were taken durin' the Con Camp

I just had to snap this damn gay shot! Enjoy

Raymond(Red) doesn't like to smile.

Durin' discussions. As If! Naa we were just posing.

My Con Cam group. Serena's in yellow, The extra head above is Linus, from the left is Victoria, Cynthia, Clio, Aaron, Me and Bryan. The bottom row has Raymond and the oh-so ever devilicious Sara.
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