Haven't been bloggin' recently, com's busted.
I would like to thank all those who remembered my birthday, it means a lot to receive comments and smses from you guys.
With such good friends like the SAC and affiliates, who needs girls?
Sometimes, love drives you to do crazy things, I don't know how many times I've said this line. It's fun being single, but yeah, It gets lonely at night sometimes.
I've learnt my lesson and I'll never intro girls to any of my friends 'coz they'll end up stealing them. It's funny how girls will never see what a guy really wants from them until it's too late. They will always end up with the guy who wants to get into their pants and never with the one who has true feelings for them.
Shyness is always the thing that holds us back, if you see someone cute in the train starring at you and you find yourself starring back, you'll never muster up the courage to walk up to the person to start a conversation and that person won't come up to you. The fear of being rejected is to great to make us move our butts. Which is quite sad, 'coz when you see her gettin' off at her stop and she passes by you and gives that disappointed look, you still won't stop leanin' on the glass panel, drop off and talk to her.
Smilin' doesn't hurt, sayin' hi doesn't hurt.
Love hurts.