Monday, June 06, 2005

Clone Wars Day-11
Baby your wierd.
I'm wierd.
Don't two wrongs make a right?
And if a shark came up and tried to bite you.
You can say I'm chocolate, I invite you.
Wouldn't it be nice?
What a day, I slept from like 4 to around 7 15. Today is a good TV day, I started the day with 7th Heaven. I came home from church just in time for Starship Troopers. Then just now it was Mars Attacks. Later on it's gonna be Meet Joe Black! One of my all time favourite movies.
Movies. There's lots of movies, but what movies are worthy enough for recognition? This is my list of the top ten movies so far.
1) Mel Gibson's Braveheart
2)William Shakespeare's Romeo&Juliet
3)Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai
4)Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket
5)Ridley Scott's Gladiator
6)Edward Zwick's Legends of the fall
7)James Cameron's Terminator2
8)David Fincher's Se7en
9)Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan
10)John McTiernan's 13th Warrior
Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star - crossed lovers take their life. The continuance of their parents' rage, which, but their children's end, nought could remove, is now the five minutes traffic of this page; the which if you with patient eyes attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
It is indeed a sad day in the history of Verona when parents get so deeply involved in a family feud that it causes the death of their only children; when the misdirected love of parents' towards their children gets so tangled and twisted that it causes the children to hate their parents.
It seems that Cupid's arrows got to be a little misdirected in the events if the past week. Where were they when we needed them the most, when violent brawls causing severe violence and brutal death broke out and disturbed the peace of our streets twice in a matter of days?
Although it seemes that Cupid failed to do his job, it may be argued that all of the actions of last week may have been comitted out of love. The love and loyalty of the Montague and Capulet boy's towards towards their families may have been the source of the uncontrolled anger that was recently unleashed in our city streets. Love may have ultimately been the force behind the untimely deaths of the four teens; Tybalt , Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt went to the Grove of Sycamore to seek out Romeo, who he felt had disrespected him by showing up at the Capulet party late Sunday evening. Out of respect, loyalty and love towards his uncle, Tybalt felt he had to punish Romeo. After dening the challenge and escaping the danger of yet another brawl, Romeo was cornered and beat by the Capulet boys. Out of respect, loyalty and love for his friend, Mercutio steps in and is consequently murdered by the prince of cats.
Even though the consequences of love seem to be evil and extremely harsh, Cupid's arrow did make a direct hit - Straight into the hearts of the young star - crossed lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.The strength and power of their love for one another that seemed to posess them in only a matter of minutes seemed to be stronger than anything experienced between two people normally throughout their whole lives. Althougth they died because of their unstoppable love, it also gave them joy and hope.
Now, today in Verona, the sun will not show his head. For never was a story more of woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
What wonders, literature can work. Literature can explain what words and actions cannot. Literature gives life. The greatest irony is that I did not like literature in school. Literature cannot be taught, it cannot be forced onto someone. It cannot be given, but can only be received.
I'm sitting here, all alone,
Wonderin' if you're wonderin' about me.
All day long I moan,
Was there ever a we?
We never talk on the phone,
but without you where would I be?


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