Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Clone Wars Day-27
Yes I went out with Mandy again. We had lunch first, er actually I had lunch and she just watched me. Ate Burger King then headed down to Wheelock to fix her phone. Her phone went mute, no haf sound! Our number was like 0137 and the number they were attendin' to was onlt 0111. Damn! So we walked around. We walked to this toy store, then to Marks and Spencers then all the way to Mos Burger. By the time we came back it was our number! So we ran in. Guess what? The lady just took apart her phone, returned her the battery, SIM card and back cover and told us to come back tomorrow at 5:30. Damn! We waited for like almost an hour for her to just do that? Then it was off to Far East to walk walk somemore before headin' to Raffles Place to meet Mandy's classmate.
He brought us to this buildin' and up to the 21th floor where he talked for like an hour straight. Basically, you have to pump in 1.7k to be a sliver manager and believe or not, start your own business and just sit back and earn up to US$600 a day. Uh-huh, I ain't no prick but I know something was really wrong when all he talked was 'bout how much money you can make. He never, for one second stopped to talk about what the company does. I find that really strange.
I could see Mandy was like really uncomfortable, so we told him we needed to think about it and we left.
Had Pastamania for dinner, I'm flat broke now. Headed to my uncle's house to wait for my parents to fetch us. HaHaHa, Mandy and Mei Mei were playin so much! Finally! She likes a girl that I like too. Got another dat with her tomorrow, gonna go collect her phone from the place.
Sniff Sniff.... What's that I smell?
Thats smell's like love?
Naa it's just a really strong like.
Smells like love but neh...
A real strong like.


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