Saturday, June 18, 2005

Clone Wars Day-23
Today I have made an achievement in Msn chat, I have had an online conversation consisting of more drawings and nudges than words! Pure crap! I mean seriously! Crap, but it was good crap. Yes, it was with Mandy. We played some crap Msn games first. then had a real conervsation. Then it was back to nudging. Then came the part when nudgin' came in bombs and cannons. So my nurse got shot, I tried to shoot Mandy, but I shot an auntie by mistake. Her dog had earlier killed a lizard, in real life yeah. So we burried the auntie with the lizard. One minute of slience please. Little did we know that the auntie would turn into a zombie(this was Mandy's fault). So we ran, then the zombie caught her hair and I sprayed the zombie with my super soaker and it died, the lizard went back home. Isn't this the purest form of crap that crap can come in? So we started our comic strip, The adventures of Mandy and Lee. We're meeting again tomorrow afternoon, going town. Now don't you think something new is blosomin', two dates in three days. Another one comin up on Monday. HeHeHeHeHe
I was also talkin' to Jean, one of the Mr& Miss Freshie finalists. We both started talkin' and it ended up in another big pile of crap! So now she's a immortal baby sotong and I'm a daddy sotong with only 21 lives. The stroy is just too crappy to publish, also 'coz I forgot how it came about.
Damn, my days are gettin' better and better. This new way of life is workin' out real swell man!


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