Friday, June 17, 2005

Clone Wars Day-22
Yesterday I had hockey trainin' in school. It's been awhile sinc I've been on the pitch with a stick. I met my old time buddy, Aidil. He was my classmate in sec. 1. But we kinda grew apart after we changed classes and I startd mixin' with another group. We talked about all the crap we missed out on while watchin' some bunch a guys playin soccer. Then the captain came. Marcus was his name, he looked ang mo but talked with a malay accent, but laughed like a mungen. The whole trainin' was shit. Dribbling and passing? I've been doin' that for 6 years already! Man was it borin'. The warm up was crap, we ran 1 round but I felt like I took my 2.4, twice! Pung cek! Durin' the break, I went to check my phone, crap, missed calls from Haikal and Fatin. After trainin' I left and went to meet Fatin at Orchard. I didn't feel like goin' home and the only person who was out was Fatin. These past few days I've never felt like goin' home.

Well, not much happened actually. Not much happens these past few days. Things are slowing down. Got pool date with Mandy, I'kk fill you in with the details later on yeah!


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