Saturday, June 18, 2005

Clone Wars Day-23
Last night was even better than last afternoon! Wow, Msn with Mandy. We started at like 10:45 and stopped at like 1+. It started out as simple Smsin' but then the conversation got too mumbo jumbo that she decided to join me online. It soon developed into an all out Nudge war! She started it with some wink 'bout this stick figure comin' out and stickin' its tongue out. I got a shock 'coz it was late at night and I turnd up the sound, for no apparent reason. Oh yes! Then she used her emoticons, something like colourful balls. It was supposed to be for dots, but it looked like balls. It was blindin' 'coz it was bright and all. She even stole my Spongebob emoticon, which I borrowed from Nadia.
I seriously forgot who started it, but someone threw the first Nudge. Then we started Nudgin' each other for like 20 minutes, non stop. There were times like I would say I would stop, but then I'd Ndge her from the back. The best part was when she played this emoticon 'bout this smilie face bowin' down to me. I thought she quit, but she didn't! Then came her Nudge.
Crap! Then I called for a ceasefire! Then came the peace agreement. We both signed it usin' the handwritin' thingy on Msn (isn't technology great?). Then both of us got tired and signed off, not before I sent my last Nudge, yes even after the agreement, like I said, aren't I a dick? Little did I know that she would send me a Sms Nudge! Crap. Yes I have her number! HaHaHaHa.
Have you noticed that I haven't been publishin' anymore lyrics? Yea, maybe I'm feelin' so happy that I don't lament anymore! Am I free from heartache again?
This is great!


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