Friday, June 10, 2005

Clone Wars Day-16
It's a Friday morning, or maybe it's a Thursday night. Lot's happened since my last entry. Had a P.O.A test at 5. I finished it in 5 minutes and slept for like 45 minutes, woke up with a stiff arm. Damn did it hurt! Everyone was finished by that tim eso most of them were crackin' their knuckles to by time. Fatin, unable to needed my help so she stretched her hand over to me. Everytime the teacher walked pass, she was like wonderin' what we were doin' under the table. I was just crackin' her knuckles!
Later on I went to town with Fatin to gai-gai. We walked like almost everywhere there was to walk! We crapped, as usual, 'bout camcorders. See we were thinkin' of buyin' a handycam and takin' short clips of everyday situation. Fatin then came out with some wierd way of holdin' the cam. Wierd! hahaha, then she told me a story that was supposed to be funny, but I didn't laugh 'coz I didn't know she was finished with the story. She looked at me like I just pinched her tits, she was like breakin' down! Then she started to laugh 'coz of my slang-at-ness. We crapped 'bout drumming and how you have to reach forward to hit the tshhhh things. We walked into invisible walls, shopped for earrings and blazers and called people slang-at. Damn it had to come to come to an end.
Yesterday was like girl centred day. I messaged Aisyah and she replied! Wow! We talked 'bout stuff, lots of stuff. Fatin says she likes me but I feel she's just really friendly.
Met Nadia online, she wrote me a wonderful testi for friendster. I crapped some more with her online, talked 'bout words we invented, food, supper, sodomy, singing, spongebob, blah blah. Then she told me something I would never have expected, she said that she would have fallen for me IF she wasn't attached. I was kinda shocked and happy at the same time. Girls, fallin' for me? I still find that thought very disturbin'. Then I decided to cook. Cooked Mee Pok with ham. HahaHa, was really good if I say so myself!
Talked to Jean also. Jean's a girl who was also in the Mr./Miss Freshie contest with me. We talked 'bout Romeo&Juliet, A maths, cookies, church and lots more.
Then it was Sharon! We talked 'bout Kulaa and me, Accounts glue and heart transplants. However the shortest but yet the most important conversation I had was with Her. Let's just call her, Her yeah? I realised I'm just an appointment that's fitted into an already booked schedule. Like I said, you really know how to break someone's heart. You do it so well, it's almost a form of art. Like I said, love should be a crime.
I love you, I really do.
But you got your life all planned out.
It's so perfect it's scary.
There's no place for me.
Not even a small crack for me.
You threw back at me, the heart I gave you.
You don't need me.
You've got everything, why need another problem right?
Lies, lies, lies and more lies.
I've been given nothing but lies.
I'll still love you, but I'll do it from afar.
Where my already broken heart can slowly mend itself.
Where you won't be able to step on my sandcastle.
Where you won't be able to burst my balloon.
Where I'll miss you every minute
Where I'll never forget you.
Where I'll be forgotten and never loved.
Where I'll be forgotten.
Where I'll be forgotten...........


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