Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The system has failed

I will offend a lot of people in this post. I hope you accept my sincere apologies and take in note that I'm very emotional right now and that I do not mean any harm or offence. I'm just tryin' to vent out my anger because I really have noone to talk to right now. Mandy's asleep, Nadia's disappeared. Kenneth and Jerald are out and I don't want to spoil their evening..night. I mean morning.

Once again, please accept my apologies.

Mandy is really being the biggest pain in the ass. I'll get to that later.

Much has happened since the last update. So much has happened until I forgot a lot of shit. Got loads of new songs, thanks to this website introduced by Gary.

I try no to regret things in my life. So far, maybe only 2 or 3 things. I hope this one that I'm thinkin' of isn't one I'm gonna regret for the rest of my life.

Brotherhood means a lot to me. So far, I had 'brothers' who run at the first site of trouble. Then there was only me and my pai. Now I got another one, a real one. It takes a lot for me to trust someone. So if I do, it's something good. I just hope nothing goes wrong. I even invited you to my weddings and my funeral on Saturday, you cant turn me down dude.

Sometimes, old things turn up in your life for you to forget about it all over again. Once bitten twice shy. Sometimes, they turn up again to let you redeem yourself, sometimes they come to test you to see if you'll repeat the same mistake.

Saturday was a day when the truth was laid out for all to see. I saw it, Shi Long saw it. I was quite sad at the fact that everyone just walked away like it was the decay of society. Disgusted is the word I'd use. If you want to treat me like an outcast go ahead, I don't see any reason I should prove anything to you guys. I know I'm better, You know I'm better. I can go on and on about this but to no use. I'll just sum it up. They're new, the're your friends, or so we thought. Now we know who are the ones that will stand by each other in real times.

I had your backs. I always wonder if you guys have mine? I'm even skeptical about my pai, because he always wants to run every chance he gets. One thing I learnt all my life, better do it yourself then depend on the anyone else, 'coz you know you will get it done.

Now I shall move on to another topic. You people come with your all lovin' God and your Christian beliefs of lovin' the world.

Hypocrites I'll call you people. With your holy MSN nicks and 'About Me's on Friendster. Why apply it on cyberspace but act so cold in real life? Just because Jesus is only in the bible doesn't mean you can just be passive and pretend to be Christians. If Jesus was really in you, I didn't see him at all.

Do you find it cool to involve yourselves with the 'God label' but not really earning it? I don't go preachin' about God and jumpin' up and down in church. I let my actions show the Jesus in me. I help people instead of standin' in the corner and tellin' people I'm Catholic. New age christianity is insane. I'm no saint, and I'm far from a perfect Christian. However, I don't rush when it comes to communion and rush to get up the bus straight after church. What's the point in wishin' peace durin mass and push the same guy when it comes to goin' up the bus? Seriously, it's insane.

One night I was lookin' through my box if old love letters and knick knacks and I got very sad. All the breakups just came out and hit me all at once. It was nice readin' the nice parts and it felt like shit readin' all the bad parts. Especially the letters from Joanne. Everytime I see her come online I just feel like my heart drops for some strange reason.

Many has been a fuckin' pain in the ass for too fuckin' long. I really don't need all this shit from her but I still take it for some bizaar strange reason. She has the world's most irritatin' attitude and she really thinks she's a princess. Please drop that attitude, it's not gonna get you anywhere in the world. You don't have to lie to me everytime you do, I know what you're up to half of the time.

You won't even say you love me but you can 'make love to me'. I find this really slutty. I find you very slutty. However, there are two sides to the story and I've yet to hear the truth from you because half your words are lies. Like the fuckin' snake you are. I really have no idea what you do behind my back. It's also a wonder how you can just 'forget about it' so very easily, like everyday. I find this very stinky, like your attitude.

However, I'm still crazy for this girl but not for your attitude. I may look at other girls and may kiss and finger others, at the end of the day, she's the one I love. She's the one who makes me smile. She's the one who doesn't take care of me when I'm sick. She's the one who fucks up my life. She's the one who is the centre of all my problems. She's the one who makes me lose all my friends. Yet she's the one who I love. Call it unconditional love, call it whatever you want. You know I love you. You damn well know.

Sam, see what happened? I told you he was no good and now I am proven right. He was playin' both Cheryl and you. I seriously will beat him up, not for you but for every girl out there. I don't know why I do things for you and expect nothing but for you to remember me. Maybe it's because I see my younger self in you and your situation. The faster you let go, the faster you'll be happy. By the way, you're welcome.

I see people around me doing things they like and getting things they want. I'm here with nothing. It's either I cannot manage my money or I'm gettin' too little.

I failed 3 out of 5 subjects. AFA and Stats once again. If my dad doesn't take me out and throws me in the army, I'll see Dr. Badri for 3 semesters now.

300 is a nice film and I've watched it way too many times already.

Dear Mandy, I really enjoyed Seoul Garden on Friday, it was nice to finally sit down and have a meal with you after so long.

Dear Shannon, please stop tryin' to be like Matthew and me because you are growin' up too fast. I love you as a cousin but I'm doing all this for your own good. Don't rush to grow up.

Dear Mei Mei and Apocalypse, I love you two.

Dear Kenneth, I'll never be afraid of being seen with you, unless it's Mandy we're talkin' about.

Dear Matthew, I hope you get into a course you enjoy and not be stuck like me doin' accounts over and over again.

Dear Father and Mother, I cannot tell you that I'll not fail again, what I can tell you guys is that I really did put in effort for this exams. I did study and I did do past year papers, write notes and revise. If you still feel that I'm a let down then I cannot change your mindset. Like what you said mum, hope. Hope is a powerful tool that can motivate you or cause you to crumble.

Dear reader not mentioned in any above paragraphs, well you guys didn't do anything too great of too bad. Congrats!

Dear Cheryl who knows Twaang, Misso, Jude, Sam and Azfar, we may have startd on the wrong foot, if you still wanna be hostile, I can't stop you. The main enemy here is Azfar.

All I can say now is that the system has failed.....


Blogger Poetry disaster said...

Dear Lee,
You are right. Everything in life you go through, it's best to do it yourself. But we are not meant to do everything alone in this world. We always need people around us and it's who is there that counts.

I can't promise I'll be there every minute or anything like that. Let's not fool ourselves with such empty promises. I know you hate it and you know I hate it. But know this, you have left a deep impression and I'll be more than glad to help you whenever I can.

Don't be worried of 'troubling' me because it's SERIOUSLY ok. You have been a revelation to me, in friendship terms. I know we don't click 100% always but I know there is genuine concern and sincerity inside. That is all that matters to me. I don't expect you to spend 100% time with me. The quantity of time spent is never useful, its the quality.

Let's not think about the future and create unnecessary expectations that will weigh our friendship down and strain it. What comes along the way, we'll take it as it comes. Important thing is tenacity and communication.

Let's continue to be honest and frank with each other, although the truth can really sting. I know and you know, its the best way for both of us. That has been the cornerstone of our wonderful friendship and let's bask in the moment of fun and happiness. Let's not put added pressure on each other with expectations that are crazy because I feel our friendship was never based on expectations so let's not weigh it down. Im just skeptical about expectations because I have learnt countless lessons on that.

You have never been ashamed of me and my crazy actions wheverever and that is all I could really ask for. Likewise for you. When you are down, know that my hand is always there for you to pull. I may not have the greatest amount of strength but I have the determination. In any sense, I WILL be there during your wedding speaking for you but please don't expect a mundane speech, that isn't me hahaha.

And I'll have your wolverine figurine and my louder than the dragon CD (do you really enjoy the music or do you feel that's the closest that you can come to having part of me? haha sounded kinda wrong) waiting for you.

Warmest human regards,
Kenneth and his legion of snowgoons

12:52 PM  

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