Friday, January 04, 2008

The toys and their troubles

The toys were sitting on the shelf and one of them whispered to the other.

"Things are still able to be worked out if you have the determination. The reason for her violence shows her love to you. And to lose something that you have been with for years might hurt more than anything else. Yet again if it happened to be a mistake that happened many times in those few years, its you to decide if you want to give up and leave for good or to seriously make a change and leave that problem out of both you and go on together. You're nice and she's even better so to say I'm 16 and many things are what she can give and I can't. So dont put me in a way to stop what things really are meant to be for you. Choose what's best for all of you. And cheer up. It could all happen for a reason. Maybe its just the beginning of something good!"


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