The Fourth of fuckin' awesome

I don't think so.
After that, Char Char and me headed down to the skatepark but it was under renovation so we decided to skate at this platform that looks like a bustop from Malaysia.
Headed down to Peninsular after awhile, walked all over the place then just sat don to chill. Met Kenneth later and Char Char went back to UMNO'sia.
Dropped by Carl's junior and picked Dinesh up from some girls. Played pool and had my ass served to me on a sliver platte by the beng in disguise, Kenneth.

It took awhile for him to realise she was just a poster.

After walkin' off, Kenneth had this whacky idea to get beaten up, so we headed to the carpark for some fighting. Dinesh was the lookout master. Contender No. 1, Kenneth 'the beng' Singh! Contender No. 2, Lee 'German Sheperd' Ames. Shit turned into shit and all I can say is that he got a busted lip, a big busted lip and shit loads of blood.


I felt damn bad after that, seein' all the blood he coughed up. Did I mention that already? We counted three wounds on his mouth and then I felt even more worse. He got me squarely on the jaw and I still feel some sensation there.
In the train it was all talk, talks about the past, present and future of fightin' in the wildboyz. Dodges, punches, jabs, hooks, kicks and so much more.
Got home and had another chat with Kenneth, the wildgoon. Slept after a hearty supper. Church visitin' tonight. Wildboyz style, I hope nobody gets hurt tonight, or maybe someone might.
I'm still in a fightin' mood.
Girls suck, big time
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