Old Greedy Lecherous (OGL camp)


OGL camp was okay, first day was crap. The activites were movin' very slowly and everyone was tired. Played raw deal with Faizal and beat him 3-0. We placed nine fans in a circle, put chairs in the centre and then Raman, Blessann and I say in the centre. We took off our shirts, rolled up our jeans and were barefoot and sat there with al the fans blasting at maximum with the aircon on and Shi Long splasin' water on out bodies.
Food was okay. Smokin' was another issue. Those that brought were allowed to go smoke. A certain Jaslyn who alway doesn't bring smokes was quite upset that we didn't invite her for the smokin' break. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it's because you have no smokes? Fuckin' pissed everyone off. Then still got the cheeks to go and take from Nadia at the smokin' alley but got no guts to come smoke with us.
Haunted trail was the shit and noone could see Char Char. Demoralising!
Briefin' was long and long. So long I painted my toenails red and drew all over my legs. Met some of the kids and we were off to order mac's. Some shit happened and Raman fell asleep.
Gave Char Char my sleepin bag and Haini my spare. Slept on the bench and woke up and took my bag to sleep through exercise, sports league and breakfast. Woke up sick and had another day at camp. Wet games was poorly planned and the Task Force Team was uber useless. nasarath had soap oozin' out of her shorts and Audrey was sprayin me all day 'coz I was hurtin all over. Stupid bench!
Performances were the shit! Kenneth's group, Nakaido's group and Haini's group were the best three. Subcomm was nice but Shi Long broke a bottle.
After party was the best, we were all cheerin' all the way to the smokin' alley.
We say good bye!
We say good bye!
We say good bye to smoke free camp!
We say good bye...to smoke free camp!
We say good bye to smoke free camp!
We say hello!
We say hello!
We say hello to smoking alley!
We say hello... to smoking alley!
We say hello to smoking alley!
John was the shit these 2 days, really boilin' my blood. No means no and yes means yes. To him, no means later and yes means now. Attention span of a goldfish.
Mr Zong Huan aka John aka Terence.
Kudos to Raman, Zhi Wei, Nasarath, Kenneth, Tiam Wei, Audrey, Elizabeth, Faizal, Dorcus and not forgettin' Char Char the hand monster.
The day before the camp, met up with Shi Long ang Char Char and went to the skate park for fun after meeting. I learnt to roller blade in 7 minutes!
Dropped by at Cine to meet Alvin and gang for some cake cuttin'. Met the unstable Kenneth and Jerald who tried to sell my skateboard.
Then it was off to MOS to help them get in. After waitin for like half an hour, Ryan' friend finally turned up and in the end, wasn't allowed in. It was fun and then had drinks at Starbucks. Off the Shi Long's place and slacked the night away.
I'd say, the camp did turn out the way I expected it. Campers totalled up to like 50? Very disappointing.
Rule No. 14 Have Fun.
Rule No. 6 No Harrassing anybody.
I can only remember these.
I love disturbin' Xue Li about her butt and how much I love her
I love disturbin' Xue Li about her butt and how much I love her
Sak Ah!
Sak Ah!
Sak Ah!
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