The grim adventures of Lee and Mandy

After walkin' around for awhile I bought one shirt for Mandy one for her dog Rusty and one for Mei Mei 'cause its her birthday next week. I also got shoelace for Joanne. We were sittin' down at some place before Jerald and I started burning ants. We'd use a straw and pick them up and flame throw them off the stick. We were fightin' against red ants so it was tough. Damn fun! Burnin' ants = Fun. Felt like a firebat from Starcraft. Suddenly felt the urge to use firebats in my campaign.
Went for mass after that. Jacob has fuckin' itchy fingers. Does anyone in their right mind take out a gun to play during mass? Jacob does. His 'friend' (or so he says) was sittin' infront of us, when he asked her to give him her number, she just turned away, awww. Then when it was peace time. She didn't turn to wish him but he had to call out to her, in the end, he had two fingers in the air. Let's say Aww again, awww.
Bumped into Sara, still the same face. Bert and I gay-ed as usual with hugs and kisses.
I think I'm sick again. Throat hurts and the left side of my neck hurts too. Whenever I don't smoke I'll become sick. Let's all point fingers at jacob again for 'steng-ing' my last stick. Hor Hor! Hor Hor!
Go see how his girlfriend looks like
I'm lookin' at my telly now, I don't see joachim singin' (except for the intro song) Ha Ha Ha Ha. In your face all you Joachim fans!
Do you remember that black SI commercial, the one that says it's a singin' competition and you shouldn't vote for looks? I think they stopped airin' it after Joachim got his 'dignified exit'. Those two words will go down in the books of history. In you face again all you Jaochim fans!
Went to watch Miami Vice with Jacob and Jerald. Jude couldn't come because he had some date with a British girl. Not a bad show, but I do not recommend it to people with low attention spans or those who are stupid. Dialouge makes up 60% of the movie. What I like about it is that durin' the fire fights, the use actual gun sounds so you hear more of firecrackers rather than those explosive candy coated shit (for those who have fired a weapon before will know).
Caught Monster house with mandy on Wednesday. Nice family show. The fat kid's cute.
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