Sunday, July 09, 2006

Went for the NDP preview today. I had 6 tix, 2 went to Helmi, who didn't turn up, 2 to Ah-Jerald who came with his friend and it was Mandy Seet Wenxi and me. It was fuckin' borin' all the way. The Krugers and Electrico played the openin' numbers. Basically they need ALOT more rehersals and planning. Kids didn't know their positions, people not in their full attire, floats not workin'. They even made a formation that looked like a penis and balls! And can someone please help them find a better lookin' Nathan impersonator? The fireworks weren't that bad. Jerald and I stole food from the box meant for the Salvation Army people. Ha Ha Ha we actually bullied the 'helpers' and made them run up and down passin' us tissues and water bottles. We also scared the shit out of this Indian family sittin' right infront of us. Ha Ha Ha

Hung out with Mandy after that. Bought for her another soft toy which now hangs on her super pink wallet. Looks like some severed head you stick on a spear.


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