Sunday, September 04, 2005

War Journal Day- 2

We're goin' to Sentosa on Monday. Mandy, Julia, her guy, her friend, Ronald, Abel, Benji and I are goin'. Nurul's down with sore eyes so we'll see if she can heal by then. Tat hasn't gotten back to me. Zainal's workin'. Oh yeah, Kayly's comin' too.

I don't know how it'll turn out.

"And if that mockin' bird don't sing, momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring"

I'm in a dilemma. Should I or should I not? I really want to but I'm so afraid. I'm afraid it'll all go to waste. If I don't do it, I can do so many other things I've been dreamin' of doin'. I've put all of them on hold just so I can do this one thing. Why should I sacrfice all my efforts sufferings for you? Why? Why should I give it up so you can have a moment of happiness? Why should I give up my lifetime of fufilment for your one single moment of happiness?

I'll do it, because I love you. Even though I know............


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